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"Learn Swift on the Mac" 是一本由Apress在2015年出版的书籍,主要针对希望学习Apple新编程语言Swift的Mac、iOS和OS X开发者。这本书介绍了Swift语言的基础和高级特性,帮助读者快速掌握这个新语言。 Swift是Apple为iOS和OS X应用开发设计的一种原生、快速且易学的编程语言,它去除了Objective-C中的C语言部分,简化了编程过程。对于现有或潜在的iOS开发者来说,学习Swift至关重要。 书中的内容结构如下: 1. Hello Swift:这部分引导读者进入Swift的世界,通过简单的示例介绍基本的语法和概念。 2. Swift Playground in Xcode 6:Swift Playground是学习和测试代码的交互环境,此章将展示如何在Xcode 6中使用Playground。 3. Accessing Swift’s Compiler and Interpreter: REPL:解释了如何使用Swift的Read-Eval-Print Loop(REPL)来即时测试代码。 4. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming:介绍面向对象编程的基础,这对于理解Swift中的类和结构体至关重要。 5. Constants, Variables, and Data Types:讨论Swift中的常量、变量和各种数据类型,如整型、浮点型、字符串等。 6. Operators:涵盖Swift中的算术、比较和逻辑运算符。 7. Flow Control:包括条件语句(如if/else)、循环(如for-in和while)以及开关语句(switch)。 8. Functions and Closures:讲解函数的定义、参数传递,以及闭包——Swift中的一个重要特性。 9. Classes and Structures:深入探讨类与结构体的区别和使用场景。 10. Methods:介绍类和结构体中的方法,包括实例方法和类型方法。 11. Access Control:阐述Swift中的访问控制规则,如何设置公开、私有和内部访问级别。 12. Inheritance:介绍面向对象编程中的继承概念,以及Swift中的实现方式。 13. Extensions:讲解如何通过扩展来添加新功能或修改已有类型的行为。 14. Memory Management and ARC:讨论Swift中的自动引用计数(ARC),以及内存管理的基本原则。 15. Protocols:介绍协议及其在类型间的交互,以及可选协议的概念。 此外,书中还涵盖了如何在Swift中与Objective-C共存,以及如何利用Swift与Core Data集成,特别是通过Apple的HealthKit框架创建健康应用程序的示例。 通过这本书,读者不仅能学到Swift的基础知识,还能了解如何在实际项目中运用这些知识,从而成为熟练的Swift开发者。
2015-04-15 上传
There's a new language in town. Swift is Apple's new, native, fast, and easy to learn programming language for iOS and OS X app development. It's their "Objective-C without the C". If you are an iOS developer or planning to become one, learning Swift is your #1 priority, and Learn Swift on the Mac tells you everything you need to get up to speed, well, swiftly. You'll start with the Swift Playground and an introduction to object-oriented programming so you can immediately see Swift in action. You then learn about all of the key language features like functions and closures, classes, methods, extensions, and how Swift works just as well as Objective-C when it comes to easy memory management with ARC. Finally you'll learn how to use Swift alongside Objective-C as well as with Core Data, and you'll learn how to put all of the pieces together with a health app using Apple's new HealthKit framework. What you’ll learn Object-oriented basics with Swift and the Swift Playground How to use key language features like functions and classes in Swift How to mix and match Swift and Objective-C How to use RESTful services with Swift How to create a complete app with Swift and HealthKit Who this book is for Beginning to intermediate iOS and OS X developers who need to learn Swift or migrate to Swift from Objective-C. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Hello Swift Chapter 2. The Swift Playground in Xcode 6 Chapter 3. Accessing Swift’s Compiler and Interpreter: REPL Chapter 4. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Chapter 5. Constants, Variables, and Data Types Chapter 6. Operators Chapter 7. Flow Control Chapter 8. Functions and Closures Chapter 9. Classes and Structures Chapter 10. Methods Chapter 11. Access Control Chapter 12. Inheritance Chapter 13. Extensions Chapter 14. Memory Management and ARC Chapter 15. Protocols Chapter 16. Generics Chapter 17. Expressions Chapter 18. Interoperability with Objective-C Chapter 19. Mix and Match Chapter 20. Working with Core Data Chapter 21. Consuming RESTful Services Chapter 22. Bringing it All Together
2024-10-25 上传