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"ACE程序员指南,由Umar Syyid撰写并由马维达翻译,提供了ACE自适配通信环境的中文技术文档。ACE是一个面向对象的框架和工具包,专注于提高通信软件的并发性、效率、可靠性和可移植性。其组件涵盖了并发与同步、进程间通信、内存管理等多个领域。" ACE(Adaptive Communication Environment)是一种关键的软件开发框架,旨在简化通信和分布式系统的构建。它的核心设计目标是通过抽象操作系统接口,实现跨平台的兼容性,同时提供一套丰富的库来支持高效和灵活的软件开发。 1. **OS适配层**: ACE的第一个层次是OS适配层,这个层负责将底层操作系统API转换成统一的接口,使得开发者可以编写不依赖特定操作系统的代码。这一层减少了开发者处理平台差异的工作量,增强了代码的可移植性。 2. **C++包装层**: 在OS适配层之上,是C++包装层。这一层将底层适配器以C++类的形式封装,提供了一种面向对象的方式来使用这些底层功能。通过这种方式,开发者可以利用C++的强大特性和模板机制,更高效地进行编程。 3. **框架和模式层**: 最高层是框架和模式层,这里包含了实现并发、同步、IPC等核心模式的类和对象。例如,ACE提供线程池、定时器队列、事件多路分离器等工具,帮助开发者构建复杂的并发和分布式系统。这一层提供了高度可重用的组件,加速了软件开发进程。 4. **关键组件**: - **并发和同步**:ACE提供了线程、守护线程、条件变量、互斥锁等工具,支持多线程并发执行和同步控制。 - **进程间通信**:包括管道、套接字、命名管道等多种通信机制,方便进程间的协作。 - **内存管理**:如自动内存管理,帮助开发者更有效地分配和释放内存。 - **定时器**:允许设置定时事件,用于触发特定任务或函数。 - **信号**:处理操作系统级别的信号,用于进程控制和异常处理。 - **文件系统管理**:提供文件和目录操作的接口。 - **线程管理**:包括线程创建、销毁、调度等操作。 - **事件多路分离和处理器分派**:支持高效的I/O复用和事件处理。 - **连接建立和服务初始化**:简化网络连接和服务的启动和管理。 - **静态和动态配置、重配置**:允许程序在运行时调整配置,适应变化的需求。 - **分层协议构建和流式框架**:支持复杂网络协议的构建和数据流处理。 - **分布式通信服务**:如名称服务、日志记录、时间同步、事件路由和网络锁定,促进分布式系统间的协作。 ACE的设计和实现充分考虑了软件的可扩展性和灵活性,使其成为构建复杂网络和分布式系统的重要工具。开发者可以借助ACE,快速构建出高效、可靠的通信解决方案,而无需过多关注底层细节,从而将更多精力集中在业务逻辑上。通过深入理解和熟练运用ACE,开发者可以提升软件工程的生产力,降低维护成本,并确保软件在各种平台上的稳定运行。
2013-09-02 上传
ACE程序员指南 [ Team LiB ] • Table of Contents ACE Programmer's Guide, The: Practical Design Patterns for Network and Systems Programming By Stephen D. Huston, James CE Johnson, Umar Syyid Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : November 14, 2003 ISBN : 0-201-69971-0 Pages : 544 "If you're designing software and systems that must be portable, flexible, extensible, predictable, reliable, and affordable, this book and the ACE toolkit will enable you to be more effective in all of these areas. Even after spending over a decade developing ACE and using it to build networked software applications, I find that I've learned a great deal from this book, and I'm confident that you will, too." -Douglas C. Schmidt, Inventor of ACE, from the Foreword "This book is a must-have for every ACE programmer. For the beginner, it explains step-by-step how to start using ACE. For the more experienced programmer, it explains in detail the features used daily, and is a perfect reference manual. It would have saved me a lot of time if this book had been available some years ago"! -Johnny Willemsen, Senior Software Engineer, Remedy IT, The Netherlands "With a large C++ code base, we rely on ACE to enable a cross-platform client-server framework for data quality and data integration. ACE has improved our design and smoothed over OS idiosyncrasies without sacrificing performance or flexibility. The combination of online reference materials and printed "big picture" guides is indispensable for us, and The ACE Programmer's Guide earns top-shelf status in my office." -John Lilley, Chief Scientist, DataLever Corporation "In SITA air-ground division, we are one of the major suppliers of communication services to the airline industry. We started using ACE about a year ago and are now moving most of our new communication-related development to it. I can say that using this toolkit can reduce the development and testing time by at least 50% in our type of application". -Jean Millo, Senior Architect, SITA The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) is an open-source software toolkit created to solve network programming challenges. Written in C++, with the help of 30 core developers and 1,700 contributors, this portable middleware has evolved to encapsulate and augment a wide range of native OS capabilities essential to support performance-driven software systems. The ACE Programmer's Guide is a practical, hands-on guide to ACE for C++ programmers building networked applications and next-generation middleware. The book first introduces ACE to beginners. It then explains how you can tap design patterns, frameworks, and ACE to produce effective, easily maintained software systems with less time and effort. The book features discussions of programming aids, interprocess communication (IPC) issues, process and thread management, shared memory, the ACE Service Configurator framework, timer management classes, the ACE Naming Service, and more. [ Team LiB ]