"Hifiman头领科技SHANGRI-LA jr使用与安全注意事项"
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Hifiman Head Technology SHANGRI-LA jr User Manual.pdf; Hifiman Leader Technology Equipment Manual; Electrostatic Headphone System User Manual To prevent electric shock, do not open the machine cover (or rear cover). There are no parts inside the machine that the user can repair. Please entrust qualified technicians for repairs. The equilateral triangle with the "arrow lightning symbol" indicates: Warning to the user that there is "dangerous voltage" inside the product, which may pose a great risk of electric shock to the human body. The equilateral triangle with the "exclamation mark" symbol indicates: Warning to the user that the device should be operated and maintained (repaired) strictly in accordance with the attached equipment manual. To prevent fire or electric shock, do not expose the machine to rain or a damp environment. To completely cut off the power supply of the machine, unplug the plug from the wall socket. The power plug is used to completely cut off the power supply of the machine and must be placed in a place easily accessible to the user. The surface temperature of the electronic tube is very high when it is working or just stopped working. Do not touch. During continuous operation of this product, the surface temperature of the top of the internal radiator may be very high. Warning Attention Attention Safety Precautions Electric shock danger Do not open Attention 01 Electrostatic headphone amplification: • Users should carefully read the manual and keep it. Pay attention to all warning information and operate according to the manual. • Avoid high temperatures, and the working area of the product needs sufficient heat dissipation. • Handle the power cord carefully, and when pulling the power cord from the socket, hold the plug and pull it out. • Do not;...
2023-02-11 上传
2023-02-11 上传
2023-02-11 上传
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