
0 下载量 130 浏览量 更新于2024-03-28 收藏 1.18MB PDF 举报
The website system design and implementation.pdf document provides a comprehensive overview of the creation of a website system to enhance the promotion of a company and facilitate information exchange with customers. The website is divided into front-end and back-end components, with the front-end showcasing the company's services, cultural information, job opportunities, and current news. The back-end is responsible for initializing the front-end pages and facilitating real-time modifications to the information displayed. The system follows software engineering development methods, including requirements analysis, overall design, and detailed design, to ensure a scientifically managed approach to the design process. Developed using the .net development platform and B/S architecture pattern, with a SQL Server database, the website system allows for quick updates and efficient management of the company's online presence. In conclusion, the website system design and implementation.pdf document highlights the importance of a well-designed website for companies and institutions in today's digital age. By utilizing the latest technology and following best practices in software development, the website system aims to improve the company's visibility and facilitate communication with customers for continued growth and success.