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With the development of communication technology, the application of communication networks in industrial data transmission is increasing. Currently, most industrial data transmission uses coaxial cable communication, which is economical and practical, but limits the expansion of application scenarios to a large extent. In order to make long-distance data transmission more flexible and convenient, this paper chooses EDFA technology for remote data transmission. The EDFA network has the advantages of high network coverage and fast speed, and has been widely used in industries such as electricity, railways, and petroleum. This will undoubtedly become the development trend in the fields of industrial control and remote monitoring. Based on erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) technology, the system mainly consists of optical modules and electrical modules, with the optical module performing core amplification functions and the electrical module performing control functions. The parameter control, process, and failure mode of each component of the module are key to EDFA technology. The auxiliary of the electrical module makes the communication system of EDFA easier to monitor and the amplification function itself more perfect. By studying the core technology of EDFA, comparing various amplification modes currently used, analyzing the actual control of current processes and technical parameters, and researching the effective modes of EDFA, production control can be improved to enhance the long-term reliability of EDFA modules. Keywords: EDFA, data transmission, communication system, failure analysis.
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