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资源摘要信息:"a-guo.github.io:这是个人网站" 知识点: 1. 个人网站的基本概念: 个人网站是指个人为了展示个人信息、作品、兴趣爱好等而建立的网站。它通常包含个人信息、个人博客、项目作品集、联系方式等内容。个人网站是个人在网络空间中的一个标识,能够帮助个人进行自我宣传和社交。 2. GitHub Pages的介绍: GitHub Pages是GitHub提供的一个免费服务,它允许用户直接从GitHub仓库托管静态网站。用户可以利用GitHub Pages来托管个人、组织或项目页面,这使得开发和部署静态网站变得更加简单快捷。它是基于Jekyll的,但也可以使用其他构建系统。GitHub Pages特别适合那些希望快速启动一个简单网站的开发者或个人。 3. HTML的应用和重要性: HTML,全称为超文本标记语言(HyperText Markup Language),是用于构建和呈现网页内容的标准标记语言。在本例中,HTML作为标签出现,表明这个个人网站是使用HTML构建的。HTML文件通常包含有标签、属性和文本内容,通过这些可以定义网页的结构和内容。它是构建网页的基础,几乎所有网站的前端都是以HTML开始的。 4. 网站维护和内容更新: 从描述中提到“查看我的以了解更多关于我的信息”,暗示着这个网站的内容可能会不断更新和维护。维护个人网站需要定期更新内容,这可能涉及修改HTML文件、增加新的项目介绍、更新博客文章等。维护个人网站也可以帮助个人学习和提高编程技能,尤其是前端开发的技能。 5. 网站的宣传和访问: 个人网站的一个重要功能是宣传个人品牌和吸引访问者。通过SEO(搜索引擎优化)和社交媒体等渠道,个人可以推广自己的网站,增加其曝光率。网站的访问者可能来自各个领域,包括潜在雇主、合作伙伴、同行或者是对个人作品感兴趣的群体。 6. 对于GitHub的认识: GitHub是一个基于Git的在线代码托管和版本控制平台,被广泛用于软件开发和版本控制。GitHub允许用户创建和管理仓库,这些仓库可以用于存储代码和文档。在这个场景下,a-guo.github.io可能表示网站的源代码存储在GitHub的仓库中,并通过GitHub Pages服务来访问。使用GitHub的好处包括能够轻松地进行代码分享、版本控制和协作开发。 7. 个人品牌建立: 通过个人网站的建设和维护,个人可以逐渐建立起自己的品牌。个人品牌建立是一个长期的过程,它涉及到个人专业技能、个人兴趣和个性化的展示。一个成功的个人网站可以帮助个人在网络世界中建立起权威性,为职业发展和业务拓展打下基础。 8. 网站设计和用户体验: 虽然描述中未提及,但一个个人网站的成功与否很大程度上取决于其设计和用户体验。良好的设计能够让访问者留下深刻印象,而优秀的用户体验则可以促进用户与网站内容的互动。在设计个人网站时,重要的是保持简洁明了的布局,合理的导航结构,以及兼容性良好的前端技术,确保网站在各种设备上都能良好工作。 综上所述,通过了解“a-guo.github.io:这是个人网站”的信息,我们可以学习到关于个人网站的构建、GitHub Pages的使用、HTML的重要性、网站维护、个人品牌建设和网站设计的多个方面的知识。这些知识对于任何对网页设计和开发感兴趣的个人来说都是宝贵的资产。
2020-02-23 上传
多线程下载软件 aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S), FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink. aria2 can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize your maximum download bandwidth. It supports downloading a file from HTTP(S)/FTP/SFTP and BitTorrent at the same time, while the data downloaded from HTTP(S)/FTP/SFTP is uploaded to the BitTorrent swarm. Using Metalink's chunk checksums, aria2 automatically validates chunks of data while downloading a file like BitTorrent. The project page is located at https://aria2.github.io/. See aria2 Online Manual (Russian translation, Portuguese translation) to learn how to use aria2. Features Here is a list of features: Command-line interface Download files through HTTP(S)/FTP/SFTP/BitTorrent Segmented downloading Metalink version 4 (RFC 5854) support(HTTP/FTP/SFTP/BitTorrent) Metalink version 3.0 support(HTTP/FTP/SFTP/BitTorrent) Metalink/HTTP (RFC 6249) support HTTP/1.1 implementation HTTP Proxy support HTTP BASIC authentication support HTTP Proxy authentication support Well-known environment variables for proxy: http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, all_proxy and no_proxy HTTP gzip, deflate content encoding support Verify peer using given trusted CA certificate in HTTPS Client certificate authentication in HTTPS Chunked transfer encoding support Load Cookies from file using the Firefox3 format, Chromium/Google Chrome and the Mozilla/Firefox (1.x/2.x)/Netscape format. Save Cookies in the Mozilla/Firefox (1.x/2.x)/Netscape format. Custom HTTP Header support Persistent Connections support FTP/SFTP through HTTP Proxy Download/Upload speed throttling BitTorrent extensions: Fast extension, DHT, PEX, MSE/PSE, Multi-Tracker, UDP tracker BitTorrent WEB-Seeding. aria2 requests chunks more than piece size to reduce the request overhead. It also supports pipelined requests with piece size. BitTorrent Local Peer Discovery Rename/change the directory structure of BitTorrent downloads completely JSON-RPC (over HTTP and WebSocket)/XML-RPC interface Run as a daemon process Selective download in multi-file torrent/Metalink Chunk checksum validation in Metalink Can disable segmented downloading in Metalink Netrc support Configuration file support Download URIs found in a text file or stdin and the destination directory and output file name can be specified optionally Parameterized URI support IPv6 support with Happy Eyeballs Disk cache to reduce disk activity Versioning and release schedule We use 3 numbers for aria2 version: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. We will ship MINOR update on 15th of every month. We may skip a release if we have no changes since the last release. The feature and documentation freeze happens 10 days before the release day (5th day of the month) for translation teams. We will raise an issue about the upcoming release around that day. We may release PATCH releases between regular releases if we have security issues. MAJOR version will stay at 1 for the time being. How to get source code We maintain the source code at Github: https://github.com/aria2/aria2 To get the latest source code, run following command: $ git clone https://github.com/aria2/aria2.git This will create aria2 directory in your current directory and source files are stored there.