Akros AS1138 PD DC-DC控制器 V1.9数据手册详解
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The Akros AS1138 PD DC-DC Controller V1.9 is a highly integrated CMOS solution designed for Power over Ethernet (PoE) Powered Devices that require input power of up to 30W. This single-chip controller is suitable for a wide range of applications including Voice over IP (VoIP) Phones, Wireless LAN Access Points, Security Cameras, WiMAX Terminals, Point-of-Sales Terminals, RFID Readers, Thin Clients, and Notebook computers.
The AS1138 features integrated input surge protection, PD controller, and low electromagnetic interference (EMI) capabilities. This makes it a versatile and efficient solution for PoE devices that need reliable power delivery and protection against electrical surges.
The data sheet for the AS1138 provides detailed information on the features and specifications of the controller. It includes information on the input voltage range, output voltage, maximum current rating, operational temperature range, and package dimensions. Additionally, the document outlines the pin configurations, functional block diagrams, and application circuit examples for easy integration into PoE devices.
Overall, the Akros AS1138 PD DC-DC Controller V1.9 is a comprehensive solution that meets the power delivery and protection requirements of PoE Powered Devices. Its high level of integration, surge protection features, and low EMI capabilities make it a reliable choice for a variety of applications in the field of telecommunications, security, and computing.
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