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With the rapid development of the era of big data, the rapid development of China's economy has also added uncertain factors to the mergers and acquisitions of Chinese Internet companies. In order to control the financial risks that occur during the process of corporate mergers and acquisitions, this article conducts research on recent Internet company mergers and acquisitions. Taking the example of Meituan's acquisition of Mobike, the article first introduces the relevant concepts of corporate mergers and acquisitions, collects relevant information on financial risk prevention in mergers and acquisitions activities, summarizes the literature content on mergers and acquisitions financial risks and controls, and elaborates on the relevant concepts and introduces the theoretical basis. Then, the article explores and analyzes the payment risks, financing risks, and operational risks in the process of Meituan's acquisition of Mobike, and concludes that there are issues such as financing structure risk, financing channel selection risk, human resources integration risk, and operational integration risk in Meituan's acquisition of Mobike. Finally, the article proposes reasonable strategies for dealing with the financial risks in mergers and acquisitions, such as choosing target companies wisely, optimizing the company's financing structure, expanding the company's financing channels, improving the company's governance structure, and developing appropriate operational strategies. By describing the Meituan's acquisition of Mobike event, this article provides a reference for future mergers and acquisitions of Internet companies, thereby promoting the healthy and rapid development of the industry.
Keywords: mergers and acquisitions, financial risk, risk control, Mobike
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