(a) MSRA10K (b) ECSSD (c) THUR15K
(d) DUT-OMRON (e) JuddDB (f) SED2
Fig. 2. Average annotation maps of six datasets used in benchmarking.
images in SED2 usually have two objects aligned around
opposite image borders. Moreover, we can see that the
spatial distribution of salient objects in JuddDB has a larger
variety than other datasets, indicating that this dataset have
smaller positional bias (i.e., center-bias of salient objects
and border-bias of background regions).
In Fig. 4(b), we aim to show the complexity of images
in six benchmark datasets. Toward this end, we apply the
segmentation algorithm by Felzenszwalb et al. [101] to see
how many super-pixels (i.e., homogeneous regions) can be
obtained on average from salient objects and background
regions of each image, respectively. In this manner, we can
use this measure to reflect how challenging a benchmark
is since massive super-pixels often indicate complex fore-
ground objects and cluttered background. From Fig. 4(c),
we can see that JuddDB is the most challenging benchmark
since it has an average number of 493 super-pixels from the
background of each image. On the contrary, SED2 contains
fewer number of super-pixels in foreground and background
regions, indicating that images in this benchmark often
contain uniform regions and are easy to process.
In Fig. 4(c), we demonstrate the average object sizes
of these benchmarks, while the size of each object is
normalized by the size of the corresponding image. We
can see that MSRA10K and ECCSD datasets have larger
objects while SED2 has smaller ones. In particular, we
can see that some benchmarks contain a limited number
of image regions with large foreground objects. By jointly
considering the center-bias property, it becomes very easy
to achieve a high precision on these images.
C. Evaluation Measures
There are several ways to measure the agreement be-
tween model predictions and human annotations [21]. Some
metrics evaluate the overlap between a tagged region while
others try to assess the accuracy of drawn shapes with
object boundary. In addition, some metrics have tried to
consider both boundary and shape [102].
Here, we use three universally-agreed, standard, and
easy-to-understand measures for evaluating a salient object
detection model. The first two evaluation metrics are based
on the overlapping area between subjective annotation and
(a) MSRA10K (b) ECSSD
(c) JuddDB (d) DUT-OMRON
(e) THUR15K (f) SED2
Fig. 3. Images and pixel-level annotations from six salient object datasets.
saliency prediction, including the precision-recall (PR) and
the receiver operating characteristics (ROC). From these
two metrics, we also report the F-Measure, which jointly
considers recall and precision, and AUC, which is the area
under the ROC curve. Moreover, we also use the third
measure which directly computes the mean absolute error
(MAE) between the estimated saliency map and ground-
truth annotation. For the sake of simplification, we use S to
represent the predicted saliency map normalized to [0, 255]
and G to represent the ground-truth binary mask of salient
objects. For a binary mask, we use | · | to represent the
number of non-zero entries in the mask.
Precision-recall (PR). For a saliency map S, we can
convert it to a binary mask M and compute P recision
and Recall by comparing M with ground-truth G:
P recision =
|M ∩ G|
, Recall =
|M ∩ G|
From this definition, we can see that the binarization
of S is the key step in the evaluation. Usually, there are
three popular ways to perform the binarization. In the first
solution, Achanta et al. [18] proposed the image-dependent
adaptive threshold for binarizing S, which is computed as
twice as the mean saliency of S:
W × H
S(x, y), (2)
where W and H are the width and the height of the saliency
map S, respectively.
The second way to bipartite S is to use a fixed threshold
which changes from 0 to 255. On each threshold, a pair