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FAST(Conference on File and Storage Technologies)是全球存储领域的顶级盛会,由USENIX协会主办,并得到了ACM SIGOPS的支持。2016年的会议在加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉举行,时间是2月22日至25日。这个资源包含了该年度会议的全部论文,涵盖了广泛的文件和存储技术主题,展示了当时研究领域的最新进展和创新。
会议的赞助商包括银牌、金牌和青铜赞助商,以及一家白金赞助商,这些赞助商的参与体现了存储行业对这一活动的重视和支持。此外,媒体赞助商和产业合作伙伴如ACM Queue、ADMIN magazine、Linux Pro Magazine等,也通过报道和宣传扩大了会议的影响力,促进了存储技术的交流与传播。
1. **高性能存储系统**:研究如何提升存储系统的吞吐量和I/O效率,减少延迟,以适应大数据和云计算环境的需求。
2. **新型存储介质**:探讨闪存和其他非易失性内存技术,以及它们如何改变传统存储架构。
3. **数据保护与恢复**:研究备份策略、故障恢复技术和数据冗余,确保数据的完整性和可用性。
4. **存储安全**:关注加密技术、访问控制和隐私保护,以应对日益增长的网络安全威胁。
5. **分布式存储**:分析分布式文件系统的设计与实现,解决大规模数据管理和共享问题。
6. **能源效率**:探索节能存储解决方案,降低数据中心的能耗。
7. **软件定义存储**:讨论如何通过软件定义的方式灵活配置和管理存储资源。
这些论文和讨论对于研究人员、工程师和系统管理员来说是非常宝贵的学习资料,他们可以从中获取灵感,改进现有系统,或者开发新的存储解决方案。FAST 2016年会议的全文集合是一个深入了解存储技术前沿的重要资源。
USENIX Association 14th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’16) 5
second pass replays the logical entries in the log. After
the next checkpoint, the log is discarded, and the refer-
ence counts on all nodes referenced by the log are decre-
mented. Any nodes whose reference count hits zero (i.e.
because they are no longer referenced by other nodes in
the tree) are garbage collected at that time.
Implementation. BetrFS 0.2 guarantees consistent re-
covery up until the last log flush or checkpoint. By de-
fault, a log flush is triggered on a sync operation, every
second, or when the 32 MB log buffer fills up. Flush-
ing a log buffer with unbound log entries also requires
searching the in-memory tree nodes for nodes contain-
ing unbound messages, in order to first write these nodes
to disk. Thus, BetrFS 0.2 also reserves enough space at
the end of the log buffer for the binding log messages.
In practice, the log-flushing interval is long enough that
most unbound inserts are written to disk before the log
flush, minimizing the delay for a log write.
Additional optimizations. Section 5 explains some op-
timizations where logically obviated operations can be
discarded as part of flushing messages down one level of
the tree. One example is when a key is inserted and then
deleted; if the insert and delete are in the same message
buffer, the insert can be dropped, rather than flushed to
the next level. In the case of unbound inserts, we allow
a delete to remove an unbound insert before the value
is written to disk under the following conditions: (1) all
transactions involving the unbound key-value pair have
committed, (2) the delete transaction has committed, and
(3) the log has not yet been flushed. If these conditions
are met, the file system can be consistently recovered
without this unbound value. In this situation, BetrFS 0.2
binds obviated inserts to a special NULL node, and drops
the insert message from the B
4 Balancing Search and Rename
In this section, we argue that there is a design trade-off
between the performance of renames and recursive di-
rectory scans. We present an algorithmic framework for
picking a point along this trade-off curve.
Conventional file systems support fast renames at the
expense of slow recursive directory traversals. Each file
and directory is assigned its own inode, and names in
a directory are commonly mapped to inodes with point-
ers. Renaming a file or directory can be very efficient,
requiring only creation and deletion of a pointer to an in-
ode, and a constant number of I/Os. However, searching
files or subdirectories within a directory requires travers-
ing all these pointers. When the inodes under a directory
are not stored together on disk, for instance because of
renames, then each pointer traversal can require a disk
seek, severely limiting the speed of the traversal.
BetrFS 0.1 and TokuFS are at the other extreme. They
index every directory, file, and file block by its full path
in the file system. The sort order on paths guarantees that
all the entries beneath a directory are stored contiguously
in logical order within nodes of the B
-tree, enabling fast
scans over entire subtrees of the directory hierarchy. Re-
naming a file or directory, however, requires physically
moving every file, directory, and block to a new location.
This trade-off is common in file system design. In-
termediate points between these extremes are possible,
such as embedding inodes in directories but not moving
data blocks of renamed files. Fast directory traversals re-
quire on-disk locality, whereas renames must issue only
a small number of I/Os to be fast.
BetrFS 0.2’s schema makes this trade-off parameteri-
zable and tunable by partitioning the directory hierarchy
into connected regions, which we call zones. Figure 2a
shows how files and directories within subtrees are col-
lected into zones in BetrFS 0.2. Each zone has a unique
zone-ID, which is analogous to an inode number in a tra-
ditional file system. Each zone contains either a single
file or has a single root directory, which we call the root
of the zone. Files and directories are identified by their
zone-ID and their relative path within the zone.
Directories and files within a zone are stored together,
enabling fast scans within that zone. Crossing a zone
boundary potentially requires a seek to a different part of
the tree. Renaming a file under a zone root moves the
data, whereas renaming a large file or directory (a zone
root) requires only changing a pointer.
Zoning supports a spectrum of trade-off points be-
tween the two extremes described above. When zones
are restricted to size 1, the BetrFS 0.2 schema is equiv-
alent to an inode-based schema. If we set the zone size
bound to infinity (∞), then BetrFS 0.2’s schema is equiv-
alent to BetrFS 0.1’s schema. At an intermediate set-
ting, BetrFS 0.2 can balance the performance of direc-
tory scans and renames.
The default zone size in BetrFS 0.2 is 512 KiB. In-
tuitively, moving a very small file is sufficiently inex-
pensive that indirection would save little, especially in
a WOD. On the other extreme, once a file system is
reading several MB between each seek, the dominant
cost is transfer time, not seeking. Thus, one would ex-
pect the best zone size to be between tens of KB and a
few MB. We also note that this trade-off is somewhat
implementation-dependent: the more efficiently a file
system can move a set of keys and values, the larger a
zone can be without harming rename performance. Sec-
tion 7 empirically evaluates these trade-offs.
As an effect of zoning, BetrFS 0.2 supports hard links
by placing a file with more than 1 link into its own zone.
Metadata and data indexes. The BetrFS 0.2 meta-
6 14th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’16) USENIX Association
Zone 0
Zone 2
Zone 1
(a) An example zone tree in BetrFS 0.2.
Metadata Index
(0,”/”) → stat info for “/”
(0,”/docs”) → zone 1
(0,”/local”) → stat info for “/local”
(0,”/src”) → stat info for “/src”
(0,”/local/bin”) → stat info for “/local/bin”
(0,”/local/bin/ed”) → stat info for “/local/bin/ed”
(0,”/local/bin/vi”) → stat info for “/local/bin/vi”
(0,”/src/abc.c”) → zone 2
(1,”/”) → stat info for “/docs”
(1,”/a.tex”) → stat info for “/docs/a.tex”
(1,”/b.tex”) → stat info for “/docs/b.tex”
(2,”/”) → stat info for “/src/abc.c”
Data Index
(0,“/local/bin/ed”, i) → block i of “/local/bin/ed”
(0,“/local/bin/vi”, i) → block i of “/local/bin/vi”
(1,“/a.tex”,i) → block i of “/docs/a.tex”
(1,“/b.tex”,i) → block i of “/docs/b.tex”
(2,“/”, i) → block i of “/src/abc.c”
(b) Example metadata and data indices in BetrFS 0.2.
Figure 2: Pictorial and schema illustrations of zone trees in BetrFS 0.2.
data index maps (zone-ID, relative-path) keys to meta-
data about a file or directory, as shown in Figure 2b. For
a file or directory in the same zone, the metadata includes
the typical contents of a stat structure, such as owner,
modification time, and permissions. For instance, in zone
0, path “/local” maps onto the stat info for this directory.
If this key (i.e., relative path within the zone) maps onto
a different zone, then the metadata index maps onto the
ID of that zone. For instance, in zone 0, path “/docs”
maps onto zone-ID 1, which is the root of that zone.
The data index maps (zone-ID, relative-path, block-
number) to the content of the specified file block.
Path sorting order. BetrFS 0.2 sorts keys by zone-ID
first, and then by their relative path. Since all the items
in a zone will be stored consecutively in this sort order,
recursive directory scans can visit all the entries within a
zone efficiently. Within a zone, entries are sorted by path
in a “depth-first-with-children” order, as illustrated in
Figure 2b. This sort order ensures that all the entries be-
neath a directory are stored logically contiguously in the
underlying key-value store, followed by recursive list-
ings of the subdirectories of that directory. Thus an ap-
plication that performs readdir on a directory and then
recursively scans its sub-directories in the order returned
by readdir will effectively perform range queries on
that zone and each of the zones beneath it.
Rename. Renaming a file or directory that is the root of
its zone requires simply inserting a reference to its zone
at its new location and deleting the old reference. So,
for example, renaming “/src/abc.c” to “/docs/def.c” in
Figure 2 requires deleting key (0, “/src/abc.c”) from the
metadata index and inserting the mapping (1, “/def.c”)
→ Zone 2.
Renaming a file or directory that is not the root of its
zone requires copying the contents of that file or direc-
tory to its new location. So, for example, renaming “/lo-
cal/bin” to “/docs/tools” requires (1) deleting all the keys
of the form (0, “/local/bin/p”) in the metadata index, (2)
reinserting them as keys of the form (1, “/tools/p”), (3)
deleting all keys of the form (0, “/local/bin/p”, i) from the
data index, and (4) reinserting them as keys of the form
(1, “/tools/p”, i). Note that renaming a directory never
requires recursively moving into a child zone. Thus, by
bounding the size of the directory subtree within a sin-
gle zone, we also bound the amount of work required to
perform a rename.
Splitting and merging. To maintain a consistent rename
and scan performance trade-off throughout system life-
time, zones must be split and merged so that the follow-
ing two invariants are upheld:
ZoneMin: Each zone has size at least C
ZoneMax: Each directory that is not the root of its
zone has size at most C
The ZoneMin invariant ensures that recursive directory
traversals will be able to scan through at least C
utive bytes in the key-value store before initiating a scan
of another zone, which may require a disk seek. The
ZoneMax invariant ensures that no directory rename will
require moving more than C
The BetrFS 0.2 design upholds these invariants as
follows. Each inode maintains two counters to record
the number of data and metadata entries in its subtree.
USENIX Association 14th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’16) 7
Whenever a data or metadata entry is added or removed,
BetrFS 0.2 recursively updates counters from the corre-
sponding file or directory up to its zone root. If either of a
file or directory’s counters exceed C
, BetrFS 0.2 creates
a new zone for the entries in that file or directory. When
a zone size falls below C
, that zone is merged with its
parent. BetrFS 0.2 avoids cascading splits and merges
by merging a zone with its parent only when doing so
would not cause the parent to split. To avoid unneces-
sary merges during a large directory deletion, BetrFS 0.2
defers merging until writing back dirty inodes.
We can tune the trade-off between rename and di-
rectory traversal performance by adjusting C
and C
Larger C
will improve recursive directory traversals.
However, increasing C
beyond the block size of the
underlying data structure will have diminishing returns,
since the system will have to seek from block to block
during the scan of a single zone. Smaller C
will im-
prove rename performance. All objects larger than C
can be renamed in a constant number of I/Os, and the
worst-case rename requires only C
bytes be moved. In
the current implementation, C
= C
= 512 KiB.
The zone schema enables BetrFS 0.2 to support a spec-
trum of trade-offs between rename performance and di-
rectory traversal performance. We explore these trade-
offs empirically in Section 7.
5 Efficient Range Deletion
This section explains how BetrFS 0.2 obtains nearly-flat
deletion times by introducing a new rangecast message
type to the B
-tree, and implementing several B
internal optimizations using this new message type.
BetrFS 0.1 file and directory deletion performance is
linear in the amount of data being deleted. Although this
is true to some extent in any file system, as the freed disk
space will be linear in the file size, the slope for BetrFS
0.1 is alarming. For instance, unlinking a 4GB file takes
5 minutes on BetrFS 0.1!
Two underlying issues are the sheer volume of delete
messages that must be inserted into the B
-tree and
missed optimizations in the B
-tree implementation. Be-
cause the B
-tree implementation does not bake in any
semantics about the schema, the B
-tree cannot infer that
two keys are adjacent in the keyspace. Without hints
from the file system, a B
-tree cannot optimize for the
common case of deleting large, contiguous key ranges.
5.1 Rangecast Messages
In order to support deletion of a key range in a sin-
gle message, we added a rangecast message type to
the B
-tree implementation. In the baseline B
-tree im-
plementation, updates of various forms (e.g., insert and
delete) are encoded as messages addressed to a single
key, which, as explained in §2, are flushed down the path
from root-to-leaf. A rangecast message can be addressed
to a contiguous range of keys, specified by the beginning
and ending keys, inclusive. These beginning and ending
keys need not exist, and the range can be sparse; the mes-
sage will be applied to any keys in the range that do exist.
We have currently added rangecast delete messages, but
we can envision range insert and upsert [12] being useful.
Rangecast message propagation. When single-key
messages are propagated from a parent to a child, they
are simply inserted into the child’s buffer space in logi-
cal order (or in key order when applied to a leaf). Range-
cast message propagation is similar to regular message
propagation, with two differences.
First, rangecast messages may be applied to multi-
ple children at different times. When a rangecast mes-
sage is flushed to a child, the propagation function must
check whether the range spans multiple children. If so,
the rangecast message is transparently split and copied
for each child, with appropriate subsets of the original
range. If a rangecast message covers multiple children
of a node, the rangecast message can be split and ap-
plied to each child at different points in time—most com-
monly, deferring until there are enough messages for that
child to amortize the flushing cost. As messages propa-
gate down the tree, they are stored and applied to leaves
in the same commit order. Thus, any updates to a key
or reinsertions of a deleted key maintain a global serial
order, even if a rangecast spans multiple nodes.
Second, when a rangecast delete is flushed to a leaf, it
may remove multiple key/value pairs, or even an entire
leaf. Because unlink uses rangecast delete, all of the
data blocks for a file are freed atomically with respect to
a crash.
Query. AB
-tree query must apply all pending modifi-
cations in node buffers to the relevant key(s). Applying
these modifications is efficient because all relevant mes-
sages will be in a node’s buffer on the root-to-leaf search
path. Rangecast messages maintain this invariant.
Each B
-tree node maintains a FIFO queue of pend-
ing messages, and, for single-key messages, a balanced
binary tree sorted by the messages’ keys. For range-
cast messages, our current prototype checks a simple
list of rangecast messages and interleaves the messages
with single-key messages based on commit order. This
search costs linear in the number of rangecast messages.
A faster implementation would store the rangecast mes-
sages in each node using an interval tree, enabling it to
find all the rangecast messages relevant to a query in
O(k + logn) time, where n is number of rangecast mes-
sages in the node and k is the number of those messages
relevant to the current query.
8 14th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’16) USENIX Association
Rangecast unlink and truncate. In the BetrFS 0.2
schema, 4KB data blocks are keyed by a concatenated
tuple of zone ID, relative path, and block number. Un-
linking a file involves one delete message to remove the
file from the metadata index and, in the same B
level transaction, a rangecast delete to remove all of the
blocks. Deleting all data blocks in a file is simply en-
coded by using the same prefix, but from blocks 0 to
infinity. Truncating a file works the same way, but can
start with a block number other than zero, and does not
remove the metadata key.
5.2 B
-Tree-Internal Optimizations
The ability to group a large range of deletion messages
not only reduces the number of total delete messages re-
quired to remove a file, but it also creates new opportu-
nities for B
-tree-internal optimizations.
Leaf Pruning. When a B
-tree flushes data from one
level to the next, it must first read the child, merge the in-
coming data, and rewrite the child. In the case of a large,
sequential write, a large range of obviated data may be
read from disk, only to be overwritten. In the case of Be-
trFS 0.1, unnecessary reads make overwriting a 10 GB
file 30–63 MB/s slower than the first write of the file.
The leaf pruning optimization identifies when an en-
tire leaf is obviated by a range delete, and elides reading
the leaf from disk. When a large range of consecutive
keys and values are inserted, such as overwriting a large
file region, BetrFS 0.2 includes a range delete for the key
range in the same transaction. This range delete message
is necessary, as the B
-tree cannot infer that the range of
the inserted keys are contiguous; the range delete com-
municates information about the keyspace. On flush-
ing messages to a child, the B
-tree can detect when a
range delete encompasses the child’s keyspace. BetrFS
0.2 uses transactions inside the B
-tree implementation
to ensure that the removal and overwrite are atomic: at
no point can a crash lose both the old and new contents
of the modified blocks. Stale leaf nodes are reclaimed as
part of normal B
-tree garbage collection.
Thus, this leaf pruning optimization avoids expensive
reads when a large file is being overwritten. This opti-
mization is both essential to sequential I/O performance
and possible only with rangecast delete.
Pac-Man. A rangecast delete can also obviate a signifi-
cant number of buffered messages. For instance, if a user
creates a large file and immediately deletes the file, the
-tree may include many obviated insert messages that
are no longer profitable to propagate to the leaves.
BetrFS 0.2 adds an optimization to message flushing,
where a rangecast delete message can devour obviated
messages ahead of it in the commit sequence. We call
this optimization “Pac-Man”, in homage to the arcade
game character known for devouring ghosts. This op-
timization further reduces background work in the tree,
eliminating “dead” messages before they reach a leaf.
6 Optimized Stacking
BetrFS has a stacked file system design [12]; B
nodes and the journal are stored as files on an ext4 file
system. BetrFS 0.2 corrects two points where BetrFS 0.1
was using the underlying ext4 file system suboptimally.
First, in order to ensure that nodes are physically
placed together, TokuDB writes zeros into the node files
to force space allocation in larger extents. For sequen-
tial writes to a new FS, BetrFS 0.1 zeros these nodes and
then immediately overwrites the nodes with file contents,
wasting up to a third of the disk’s bandwidth. We re-
placed this with the newer fallocate API, which can
physically allocate space but logically zero the contents.
Second, the I/O to flush the BetrFS journal file was
being amplified by the ext4 journal. Each BetrFS log
flush appended to a file on ext4, which required updat-
ing the file size and allocation. BetrFS 0.2 reduces this
overhead by pre-allocating space for the journal file and
using fdatasync.
7 Evaluation
Our evaluation targets the following questions:
• How does one choose the zone size?
• Does BetrFS 0.2 perform comparably to other file sys-
tems on the worst cases for BetrFS 0.1?
• Does BetrFS 0.2 perform comparably to BetrFS 0.1 on
the best cases for BetrFS 0.1?
• How do BetrFS 0.2 optimizations impact application
performance? Is this performance comparable to other
file systems, and as good or better than BetrFS 0.1?
• What are the costs of background work in BetrFS 0.2?
All experimental results were collected on a Dell Opti-
plex 790 with a 4-core 3.40 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU, 4
GB RAM, and a 500 GB, 7200 RPM ATA disk, with
a 4096-byte block size. Each file system’s block size
is 4096 bytes. The system ran Ubuntu 13.10, 64-bit,
with Linux kernel version 3.11.10. Each experiment is
compared with several file systems, including BetrFS
0.1 [12], btrfs [26], ext4 [20], XFS [31], and zfs [4].
We use the versions of XFS, btrfs, ext4 that are part
of the 3.11.10 kernel, and zfs 0.6.3, downloaded from
www.zfsonlinux.org. The disk was divided into 2 par-
titions roughly 240 GB each; one for the root FS and the
other for experiments. We use default recommended file
system settings unless otherwise noted. Lazy inode table
and journal initialization were turned off on ext4. Each
USENIX Association 14th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST ’16) 9
File Size (KiB) − log scale
Time (ms)
BetrFS_0.2 (0)
BetrFS_0.2 (∞)
Single File Rename (warm cache)
(a) BetrFS 0.2 file renames with zone size ∞ (all data must
be moved) and zone size 0 (inode-style indirection).
Zone Size (KiB) − log scale
Time (s)
Recursive Directory Scan (grep −r)
(b) Recursive scans of the Linux 3.11.10 source for
to be64” with different BetrFS 0.2 zone sizes.
Figure 3: The impact of zone size on rename and scan
performance. Lower is better.
File Size (KiB) − log scale
Time (ms)
Single File Rename (warm cache)
Figure 4: Time to rename single files. Lower is better.
experiment was run a minimum of 4 times. Error bars
and ± ranges denote 95% confidence intervals. Unless
noted, all benchmarks are cold-cache tests.
7.1 Choosing a Zone Size
This subsection quantifies the impact of zone size on re-
name and scan performance.
A good zone size limits the worst-case costs of
rename but maintains data locality for fast directory
scans. Figure 3a shows the average cost to rename a file
and fsync the parent directory, over 100 iterations, plot-
ted as a function of size. We show BetrFS 0.2 with an
infinite zone size (no zones are created—rename moves
all file contents) and 0 (every file is in its own zone—
rename is a pointer swap). Once a file is in its own zone,
the performance is comparable to most other file sys-
write read
Sequential I/O
Figure 5: Large file I/O performance. We sequentially
read and write a 10GiB file. Higher is better.
tems (16ms on BetrFS 0.2 compared to 17ms on ext4).
This is balanced against Figure 3b, which shows grep
performance versus zone size. As predicted in Sec-
tion 4 directory-traversal performance improves as the
zone size increases.
We select a default zone size of 512 KiB, which en-
forces a reasonable bound on worst case rename (com-
pared to an unbounded BetrFS 0.1 worst case), and keeps
search performance within 25% of the asymptote. Fig-
ure 4 compares BetrFS 0.2 rename time to other file sys-
tems. Specifically, worst-case rename performance at
this zone size is 66ms, 3.7× slower than the median file
system’s rename cost of 18ms. However, renames of files
512 KiB or larger are comparable to other file systems,
and search performance is 2.2× the best baseline file sys-
tem and 8× the median. We use this zone size for the rest
of the evaluation.
7.2 Improving the Worst Cases
This subsection measures BetrFS 0.1’s three worst cases,
and shows that, for typical workloads, BetrFS 0.2 is ei-
ther faster or within roughly 10% of other file systems.
Sequential Writes. Figure 5 shows the throughput to se-
quentially read and write a 10GiB file (more than twice
the size of the machine’s RAM). The optimizations de-
scribed in §3 improve the sequential write throughput
of BetrFS 0.2 to 96MiB/s, up from 28MiB/s in BetrFS
0.1. Except for zfs, the other file systems realize roughly
10% higher throughput. We also note that these file sys-
tems offer different crash consistency properties: ext4
and XFS only guarantee metadata recovery, whereas zfs,
btrfs, and BetrFS guarantee data recovery.
The sequential read throughput of BetrFS 0.2 is im-
proved over BetrFS 0.1 by roughly 12MiB/s, which is
attributable to streamlining the code. This places BetrFS
0.2 within striking distance of other file systems.
Rename. Table 1 shows the execution time of sev-
eral common directory operations on the Linux 3.11.10
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