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This document provides a detailed guide on how to install NS2 on a Windows platform, specifically Windows 2000 or Windows XP. The version of NS2 used in this guide is ns-2.27, but it can also be applied to ns-2.28 with similar steps.
Preparation for installation:
1. Unzip the ns-setup compressed file, making sure that the extraction path does not contain any spaces and that the current username used for Windows login does not have any spaces either.
2. Run the setup.exe file located in the extracted installation folder.
1. Download the Cygwin software from the provided link and decompress the rar file. Locate the setup.exe file and launch it.
2. The setup process for Cygwin will begin, and users need to follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure to select the appropriate language for the operating system during installation.
The installation process for NS2 on Windows involves several steps, including setting up Cygwin and configuring the necessary components. By following this guide, users can successfully install NS2 on their Windows system for networking simulation purposes. Remember to pay attention to details and ensure that the installation path does not contain any spaces to avoid any potential issues during the process.
Overall, this document serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals seeking to install NS2 on a Windows platform, providing step-by-step instructions and tips for a successful installation. By utilizing the information and guidelines presented in this guide, users can effectively set up NS2 on their Windows operating system for research and educational purposes in network simulation.
2010-08-22 上传
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