C# 2010深度解析:Pro WPF在.NET 4.0中的实战指南

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《Pro WPF in C# 2010: Windows Presentation Foundation in .NET 4.0》是一本由Matthew MacDonald撰写的专著,针对.NET Framework 4.0下的Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)技术进行了深入探讨。该书在版权方面声明所有权利归作者所有,未经版权所有者和出版商事先书面许可,禁止任何形式的复制或传输,包括但不限于影印、录音或通过任何信息存储和检索系统。 本书详细讲解了WPF在C# 2010中的应用,作为.NET框架的一部分,它提供了一种用于创建美观、交互性和高性能图形用户界面的强大工具。WPF的特点在于其数据绑定、XAML语言以及基于数据模型的视图设计,使得开发者能够构建复杂的用户界面,易于维护和扩展。 《Pro WPF in C# 2010》的内容涵盖了广泛的主题,例如控件与布局、数据绑定和MVVM模式(Model-View-ViewModel)、动画和多媒体、依赖项注入和事件处理、WPF应用程序的性能优化,以及与.NET 4.0新特性的集成。书中还可能包含对Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)和Windows Azure等相关技术的关联讨论,因为这些在开发WPF应用程序时常常相伴而行。 此外,作者Matthew MacDonald以其丰富的经验和深入的专业知识,确保读者不仅掌握理论知识,还能实际操作并应用到项目中。书中还包括了大量的示例代码和实用技巧,有助于读者快速提升在C# 2010下使用WPF进行软件开发的能力。 《Pro WPF in C# 2010》是一本适合专业开发者和想要进一步提升WPF技能的程序员的宝贵资源,它提供了全面的指南,帮助读者探索和掌握这一流行框架的最新进展,从而在Windows应用程序开发领域保持竞争力。
2010-05-07 上传
Pro WPF in C# 2010: Windows Presentation Foundation in .NET 4 1216 pages Publisher: Apress; 3 edition (March 31, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1430272058 ISBN-13: 978-1430272052 Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides the foundation for building applications and high-quality user experiences for the Windows operating system. It blends the application user interface, documents, and media content, while exploiting the full power of your computer's operating system. Its functionality extends to the support for Tablet PCs and other forms of input device, and it provides a more modern imaging and printing pipeline, accessibility and UI automation infrastructure, data-driven UIs and visualization, and integration points for weaving the application experience into the Windows shell. This book shows you how WPF really works. It provides you with the no-nonsense, practical advice that you need in order to build high-quality WPF applications quickly and easily. After giving you a firm foundation, it goes on to explore the more advance aspects of WPF and how they relate to the others elements of the .NET 4.0 platform and associated technologies such as Silverlight. What you'll learn WPF basics: XAML, layout, control essentials, and data flow WPF applications: Navigation, commands, localization, and deployment Advanced controls: Custom controls, menus, toolbars, and trees WPF documents: Text layout, printing, and document packaging Graphics and multimedia: Drawing shapes, sound and video, animation, geometric transformations, and imaging Chapter 1: Introducing WPF describes the architecture of WPF, its DirectX plumbing, and the new device-independent measurement system that resizes user interfaces automatically. Chapter 2: XAML describes the XAML standard that you use to define user interfaces. You’ll learn why it was created and how it works, and you’ll create a basic WPF window using different coding approaches. Chapter 3: Layout delves into the layout panels that allow you to organize elements in a WPF window. You’ll consider different layout strategies, and you’ll build some common types of windows. Chapter 4: Dependency Properties describes how WPF uses dependency properties to provide support for key features such as data binding and animation. Chapter 5: Routed Events describes how WPF uses event routing to send events bubbling or tunneling through the elements in your user interface. It also describes the basic set of mouse, keyboard, and multitouch events that all WPF elements support. Chapter 6: Controls considers the controls every Windows developer is familiar with, such as buttons, text boxes, and labels–and their WPF twists. Chapter 7: The Application introduces the WPF application model. You’ll see how to create single- instance and document-based WPF applications. Chapter 8: Element Binding introduces WPF data binding. You’ll see how to bind any type of obje to your user interface. Chapter 9: Commands introduces the WPF command model, which allows you to wire multiple controls to the same logical action. Chapter 10: Resources describes how resources let you embed binary files in your assembly and reuse important objects throughout your user interface. Chapter 11: Styles and Behaviors explains the WPF style system, which lets you apply a set of common property values to an entire group of controls. Chapter 12: Shapes, Brushes, and Transforms introduces the 2-D drawing model in WPF. You’ll learn to create shapes, alter elements with transforms, and paint exotic effects with gradients, tiles and images. Chapter 13: Geometries and Drawings delves deeper into 2-D drawing. You’ll learn to create complex paths that incorporate arcs and curves and how to use complex graphics efficiently. Chapter 14: Effects and Visuals describes lower-level graphics programming. You’ll apply Photoshop-style effects with pixel shaders, build a bitmap by hand, and use WPF’s visual layer for optimized drawing. Chapter 15: Animation Basics explores WPF’s animation framework, which lets you integrate dynamic effects into your application using straightforward, declarative markup. Chapter 16: Advanced Animations explore more sophisticated animation techniques like key-fram animation, path-based animation, and frame-based animation. You’ll also consider a detailed example that shows how to create and manage dynamic animations with code. Chapter 17: Control Templates shows you how you can give any WPF control a dramatic new look (and new behavior) by plugging in a customized template. You’ll also see how templates allow you to build a skinnable application. Chapter 18: Custom Elements explores how you can extend the existing WPF controls and create your own. You’ll see several examples, including a template-based color picker, a flippable panel, custom layout container, and a decorator that performs custom drawing. Chapter 19: Data Binding shows you how to fetch information from a database, insert it into a custom data objects, and bind these objects to WPF controls. You’ll also learn how to improve the performance of huge data-bound lists with virtualization, and catch editing mistakes with validation. Chapter 20: Formatting Bound Data shows some of the tricks for turning raw data into rich data displays that incorporate pictures, controls, and selection effects. Chapter 21: Data Views explores how you use the view in a data-bound window to navigate through a list of data items, and to apply filtering, sorting, and grouping. Chapter 22: Lists, Grids, and Trees gives you a tour of WPF’s rich data controls, including the ListView, TreeView, and DataGrid. Chapter 23: Windows examines how windows work in WPF. You’ll also learn how to create irregularly shaped windows and use Vista glass effects. You’ll also make the most of Windows 7 features by customizing taskbar jump lists, thumbnails, and icon overlays. Chapter 24: Pages and Navigation describes how you can build pages in WPF and keep track of navigation history. You’ll also see how to build a browser-hosted WPF application that can be launched from a website. Chapter 25: Menus, Toolbars, and Ribbons considers command-oriented controls such as menus and toolbars. You’ll also get a taste of more modern user interface with the freely downloadable Ribbon control. Chapter 26: Sound and Video describes WPF’s media support. You’ll see how to control playback for sound and video, and how to throw in synchronized animations and live effects. Chapter 27: 3-D Drawing explores the support for drawing 3-D shapes in WPF. You’ll learn how to create, transform, and animate 3-D objects. You’ll even see how to place interactive 2-D controls on 3-D surfaces. Chapter 28: Documents introduces WPF’s rich document support. You’ll learn to use flow documents to present large amounts of text in the most readable way possible, and you’ll use fixed documents to show print-ready pages. You’ll even use the RichTextBox to provide document editing. Chapter 29: Printing demonstrates WPF’s printing model, which lets you draw text and shapes in a print document. You’ll also learn how to manage page settings and print queues. Chapter 30: Interacting with Windows Forms examines how you can combine WPF and Windows Forms content in the same application–and even in the same window. Chapter 31: Multithreading describes how to create responsive WPF applications that perform time-consuming work in the background. Chapter 32: The Add-In Model shows you how to create an extensible application that can dynamically discover and load separate components. Chapter 33: ClickOnce Deployment shows how you can deploy WPF applications using the ClickOnce setup model.