AWG-Based Monolithic 4 × 12 GHz Multichannel
Harmonically Mode-Locked Laser
Songtao Liu, Huitao Wang, Mengdie Sun, Lianxue Zhang, Weixi Chen, Dan Lu, Member, IEEE,
Lingjuan Zhao, Ronald Broeke, Wei Wang, and Chen Ji
Abstract—We report a novel arrayed waveguide grating
(AWG)-based 4 × 12 GHz multichannel harmonically mode-
locked semiconductor laser operating near 1535 nm, which was
realized by monolithically integrating a semiconductor optical
amplifier (SOA) array, a set of passive optical delay lines, an
AWG with 400 GHz channel spacing, a saturable absorber, and
a common output SOA. Our device layout and fabrication were
completed on the European JePPIX InP photonic integration
platform, based on the multiproject wafer run foundry approach.
We demonstrated four wavelength channels operating in the
fifth harmonic mode-locking regime. Channel repetition rate of
12 GHz and 3-dB RF linewidth as narrow as 6 kHz were obtained.
The exhibited performance makes our device a very promising
candidate as an ultracompact multichannel light source for
future hybrid optical time and wavelength division multiplexing,
high-speed photonic analog-to-digital conversion, and optical
clock recovery applications.
Index Terms—Photonic integrated circuits, semiconductor
lasers, multichannel mode-locked lasers, harmonic mode-locking,
arrayed waveguide grating, generic integration, multiproject
wafer run.
ULTICHANNEL mode-locked semiconductor lasers
are of great interest as ultrashort pulse light sources for
applications in future hybrid optical time and wavelength divi-
sion multiplexing (HOTWDM), high-speed photonic analog-
to-digital conversion and optical clock recovery systems [1].
Previously reported multichannel mode-locked pulse gener-
ation approaches are based on either fiber lasers [2]–[4] or
external cavity mode-locked laser designs [5], [6], which are
all complex and expensive systems comprising of numerous
discrete bulk components, requiring precise optical alignment
Manuscript received July 2, 2015; revised September 23, 2015; accepted
October 16, 2015. Date of publication October 26, 2015; date of current
version December 21, 2015. This work was supported in part by the National
863 Program under Grant 2013AA014202, in part by the European Union
within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) through the
PARADIGM Project under Grant ICT 257210, and in part by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61274046, Grant 61321063,
Grant 61335009, and Grant 61474111.
S. Liu, H. Wang, M. Sun, D. Lu, L. Zhao, W. Wang, and C. Ji are with
the Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science and the Beijing Key
Laboratory of Low Dimensional Semiconductor Materials and Devices, Insti-
tute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
(e-mail: stliu@semi.ac.cn; wanghuitao@semi.ac.cn; mdsun@semi.ac.cn;
ludan@semi.ac.cn; ljzhao@semi.ac.cn; wwang@red.semi.ac.cn; chenji@
L. Zhang and W. Chen are with the State Key Laboratory for Mesoscopic
Physics, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China (e-mail:
lianxue@pku.edu.cn; wxchen@pku.edu.cn).
R. Broeke is with Bright Photonics BV, Maarssen 3604 CE, The Netherlands
(e-mail: ronald.broeke@brightphotonics.eu).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2015.2493344
and susceptible to environmental factors such as mechanical
vibrations. The semiconductor photonic integration approach,
on the other hand, allows the monolithic integration of multiple
optical elements onto a common semiconductor substrate, and
provides complex functionalities within a single Photonic Inte-
gration Circuit (PIC) chip which is highly compact, reliable,
and can be volume manufactured at low cost by leveraging
mature semiconductor manufacturing technologies [7].
A multichannel mode-locked semiconductor laser array chip
has been reported earlier [8], demonstrating four channel
mode-locking operation with 10-GHz repetition rate by inte-
grating four mode-locked distributed Bragg reflector (DBR)
lasers, a 4×1 multimode-interference (MMI) optical combiner,
a semiconductor optical amplifier, and an electro-absorption
modulator. However, relatively complex technologies of elec-
tron beam lithography and quantum-well intermixing are
needed. Another mode-locked laser design comprised of a
pair of arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) integrated in a
ring laser geometry also has been proposed in [9], which
has been predicted to operate in a multichannel mode-locking
mode. Nevertheless, this design idea has yet to be verified
We have earlier reported an AWG based multichannel
mode-locked laser working in the fundamental frequency
mode-locking regime [10], using in-house epitaxial and wafer
fabrication processes. In this letter, we present for the first
time, the design, fabrication and harmonic mode-locking oper-
ation of a monolithically integrated multichannel 4 × 12 GHz
AWG-based colliding pulse mode-locked semiconductor
laser (AWG-CPMSL) operating in the fifth harmonic fre-
quency. The design and fabrication process were carried out
in a multiproject wafer (MPW) run on the Joint European
Platform for Photonic Integration of Components and
Circuits (JePPIX), and leveraging the Fraunhofer Heinrich
Hertz Institute (HHI) InP foundry process [11]. Based on
standard optical element building blocks (BB) and active-
passive integration foundry process, the JePPIX platform
allows the rapid, low cost prototype development and small
scale production of novel InP PIC chip designs according to
a generic foundry concept.
The device layout of the fabricated integrated AWG-CPMSL
chip is shown in Fig. 1. The device, measured 3 mm × 6 mm,
was fabricated based on the HHI ridge waveguide active-
passive integration process on Semi-Insulating (SI) sub-
strate [7]. It consists of multiple foundry defined active and
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