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The GNU Coding Standards, last updated on April 23, 2015, is a comprehensive document created by Richard Stallman and his team. It serves as a set of guidelines for developers to adhere to when writing code for GNU software. The standards cover a wide range of topics, including file formats, naming conventions, indentation, and documentation. One of the key principles emphasized in the GNU Coding Standards is compatibility with GNU tools and libraries. This ensures that code written following these standards can easily integrate with existing GNU software. Additionally, the document promotes portability by encouraging developers to write code that is compatible with multiple platforms and operating systems. The GNU Coding Standards also place a strong emphasis on clarity and readability. It recommends using meaningful variable names, comments, and consistent formatting to make the code easier to understand for other developers. This not only improves the maintainability of the code but also makes it easier for newcomers to contribute to GNU projects. Another important aspect of the GNU Coding Standards is licensing and copyright. The document clarifies the rights and responsibilities of developers regarding the use and distribution of GNU software. It also specifies the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, under which the coding standards document is distributed. Overall, the GNU Coding Standards play a crucial role in maintaining the quality and integrity of GNU software. By following these guidelines, developers can create code that is not only compatible and portable but also well-documented and easily understandable. This contributes to the success and continued growth of the GNU project as a whole.