Sample Code for SHT3x Version 2 – May 2015 7/34
2.2 sht3x.h
// S E N S I R I O N AG, Laubisruetistr. 50, CH-8712 Staefa, Switzerland
// Project : SHT3x Sample Code (V1.1)
// File : sht3x.h (V1.1)
// Author : RFU
// Date : 6-Mai-2015
// Controller: STM32F100RB
// IDE : µVision V5.12.0.0
// Compiler : Armcc
// Brief : Sensor Layer: Definitions of commands and functions for sensor
// access.
#ifndef SHT3X_H
#define SHT3X_H
//-- Includes -----------------------------------------------------------------
#include "system.h"
#include "i2c_hal.h"
//-- Enumerations -------------------------------------------------------------
// Sensor Commands
typedef enum{
CMD_READ_SERIALNBR = 0x3780, // read serial number
CMD_READ_STATUS = 0xF32D, // read status register
CMD_CLEAR_STATUS = 0x3041, // clear status register
CMD_HEATER_ENABLE = 0x306D, // enabled heater
CMD_HEATER_DISABLE = 0x3066, // disable heater
CMD_SOFT_RESET = 0x30A2, // soft reset
CMD_MEAS_CLOCKSTR_H = 0x2C06, // measurement: clock stretching, high repeatability
CMD_MEAS_CLOCKSTR_M = 0x2C0D, // measurement: clock stretching, medium
CMD_MEAS_CLOCKSTR_L = 0x2C10, // measurement: clock stretching, low repeatability
CMD_MEAS_POLLING_H = 0x2400, // measurement: polling, high repeatability
CMD_MEAS_POLLING_M = 0x240B, // measurement: polling, medium repeatability
CMD_MEAS_POLLING_L = 0x2416, // measurement: polling, low repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_05_H = 0x2032, // measurement: periodic 0.5 mps, high repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_05_M = 0x2024, // measurement: periodic 0.5 mps, medium
CMD_MEAS_PERI_05_L = 0x202F, // measurement: periodic 0.5 mps, low repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_1_H = 0x2130, // measurement: periodic 1 mps, high repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_1_M = 0x2126, // measurement: periodic 1 mps, medium repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_1_L = 0x212D, // measurement: periodic 1 mps, low repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_2_H = 0x2236, // measurement: periodic 2 mps, high repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_2_M = 0x2220, // measurement: periodic 2 mps, medium repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_2_L = 0x222B, // measurement: periodic 2 mps, low repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_4_H = 0x2334, // measurement: periodic 4 mps, high repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_4_M = 0x2322, // measurement: periodic 4 mps, medium repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_4_L = 0x2329, // measurement: periodic 4 mps, low repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_10_H = 0x2737, // measurement: periodic 10 mps, high repeatability
CMD_MEAS_PERI_10_M = 0x2721, // measurement: periodic 10 mps, medium
CMD_MEAS_PERI_10_L = 0x272A, // measurement: periodic 10 mps, low repeatability
CMD_FETCH_DATA = 0xE000, // readout measurements for periodic mode
CMD_R_AL_LIM_LS = 0xE102, // read alert limits, low set
CMD_R_AL_LIM_LC = 0xE109, // read alert limits, low clear
CMD_R_AL_LIM_HS = 0xE11F, // read alert limits, high set
CMD_R_AL_LIM_HC = 0xE114, // read alert limits, high clear
CMD_W_AL_LIM_HS = 0x611D, // write alert limits, high set
CMD_W_AL_LIM_HC = 0x6116, // write alert limits, high clear