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"Linux for Developers 是一本面向开发者的专业书籍,由知名的IT培训师和作者William “Bo” Rothwell编写。本书旨在帮助无论是新手还是有经验的Windows程序员开始在Linux环境中编写高质量的代码。书中涵盖了现代开源软件的概述,包括相关的许可安排和开发者需要了解的权衡。Rothwell教授了在Linux命令行和GUI环境下开发所需的基本技能,如使用文本编辑器和其他编码工具。他还介绍了脚本语言(如Bash、Python和Perl)以及面向对象编程语言(如Java、C++和C)。此外,还专门有一节深入讲解Git版本控制系统,这些技能不仅适用于Linux,也适用于其他环境。" 本书的核心内容包括: 1. 访问Linux系统:学习如何使用Linux图形用户界面(GUI)和命令行,理解Linux的文件组织结构及文件系统的导航。 2. 基础开发者命令:掌握gzip、grep等基本命令,提升开发效率。 3. 文本编辑器:学习使用vi和vim编辑器,并探讨其他可替代的编辑器。 4. 基本系统管理任务:开发者经常需要处理的一些基础系统管理任务,如配置和维护。 5. 语言比较:对比Linux下的编程语言,根据项目需求选择最适合的语言。 6. 脚本编写:通过Bash编写交互式脚本,利用其与其他shell功能的集成。 7. 编程语言:深入Python和Perl,学习流程控制、变量等基本概念。 8. C、C++和Java编程:理解与构建这些语言相关的Linux特性。 9. Git版本控制:通过Git进行项目管理,包括暂存、提交、分支、差异比较、合并和补丁管理。 10. Git操作:详细讲解如何管理本地和远程Git仓库。 本书采用模块化的覆盖方式,方便读者根据需要快速查找所需信息。"Developer’s Library"系列由Addison-Wesley出版社出版,专注于提供最新编程语言和技术的高质量教程,由经验丰富的技术实践者撰写,旨在为其他程序员提供实用的信息。该系列涵盖广泛的专题,从开源编程语言到各种技术主题。
2017-04-23 上传
Linux for Developers: Jumpstart Your Linux Programming Skills (Developer's Library) by William "Bo" Rothwell English | 17 Apr. 2017 | ASIN: B06ZY85CPJ | 224 Pages | AZW3 | 5.37 MB Linux for Developers shows you how to start writing great code for Linux, whether you’re a Linux user with little or no coding experience, or an experienced Windows programmer. Leading IT trainer/author William “Bo” Rothwell begins with a clear and up-to-date review of modern open source software, including the licensing arrangements and tradeoffs all developers need to understand. He presents essential skills for both Linux command line and GUI environments, introducing text editors and other tools for efficient coding. Building on this knowledge, Rothwell introduces scripting tools such as Bash, Python, and Perl, as well as traditional object-oriented programming languages such as Java, C++, and C. Finally, he presents a full section on the powerful Git version control system, teaching skills you can use in Linux and many other environments. Access Linux systems, use GUIs, and work at the command line Learn how Linux organizes files and navigate its filesystem Use basic developer commands such as gzip and grep Edit programs with vi and vim, and explore alternative editors Perform basic sysadmin tasks that developers often need to handle Compare Linux languages to choose the best one for each task Write Bash scripts that interact with users or other shell features Program with Python and Perl: flow control, variables, and more Understand Linux features related to building C, C++, and Java programs Stay on top of complex projects with GIT revision control Work in GIT: staging, committing, branches, diffs, merges, and patches Manage local and remote GIT repositories This guide’s modular coverage helps you quickly access whatever information you need right now.