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关键词:AT89C51 单片机 塔吊控制器 光电隔离
AbstractThe intelligent tower crane controller, based on the 51 MCU, is designed to address safety concerns that may arise during construction. The controller consists of a minimum system single-chip microcomputer, real-time clock, E2PROM, and other integrated circuits. To enhance the instrument's anti-interference capabilities and reliability, full opto-isolation measures are employed between internal and external signals. The external components of the controller include pressure sensors, Hall sensors, and control and protection circuits. The main function of the controller is to monitor the real-time height, amplitude, load weight, and torque of the tower crane during construction, as well as provide over-limit alarms and protection measures, thereby ensuring the safety of the crane's operations. This intelligent tower crane controller can be widely used in various tower crane control scenarios.
Keywords: AT89C51 MCU, Tower Crane Controller, Opto-isolation
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