"基于HBuilder X的研究生导师日常交互App设计与开发"
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With the development of network technology, mobile intelligent terminals gradually come into people's sight, and related applications are becoming more and more widely used, playing an increasingly important role in people's daily lives. Therefore, the development of key application programs has become an important factor affecting the popularization of mobile intelligent terminals. Designing and developing practical and convenient application programs is of great significance and has good market prospects. HBuilder X system, as the most popular platform at present, naturally has a large demand for application services. This study is based on the HBuilder X system platform to develop a research app for the daily interaction between graduate students and their mentors. The development of this app is mainly to help students obtain the required information without time and place constraints. This paper elaborates on the interface design and use of the research app for the daily interaction between graduate students and their mentors, including the implementation of the interface, the use of controls, the layout of the interface, and the handling of exceptions, presenting an accurate research app for the daily interaction between graduate students and their mentors. Keywords: research app for the daily interaction between graduate students and their mentors; HBuilder X; SSM.
2022-05-28 上传
2024-12-25 上传
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