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"《Scala in Depth》是一本深度指南,专为帮助开发者有效整合Scala到其开发流程而设计。本书由经验丰富的Scala社区成员Joshua D. Suereth撰写,特别关注于介绍Scala的最新最佳实践和设计。作为一本面向熟悉Java、Scala或其他面向对象语言读者的专业书籍,它提供了大量的实例讲解,确保读者能够掌握Scala的强大功能。 主要内容包括: 1. **Scala融合特性**:介绍了Scala作为一种融合了函数式和面向对象编程模型的语言的基本规则,帮助读者理解其独特的定位。 2. **编码风格**:通过简洁、表达性强的代码示例,展示如何实现优雅的Scala编程。 3. **与Java集成**:深入讲解如何将Scala无缝融入现有的Java项目,并利用Scala 2.8.0的集合API。 4. **并发编程**:教授如何利用actors进行高效的并发处理。 5. **Scala类型系统**:解析Scala的类型系统,包括类型成员继承、多重继承和组合等概念。 6. **函数式编程**:探索函数式编程的概念和模式,如不可变性、 applicative functors 和 monads。 7. **实用技巧**:涵盖了如如何使用 implicits 进行代码表达式式编程,以及如何选择合适的集合。 《Scala in Depth》的作者Joshua Suereth是Typesafe公司的软件开发者,也是Scala项目的贡献者和scala-tools.org的维护者,他的专业知识和实践经验使得这本书成为Scala学习者的宝贵资源。读者可以从Manning出版社或wow eBook网站下载免费的PDF、ePub和Kindle版本。此外,Manning出版社还提供批量订购的折扣信息,更多详情可通过电子邮件联系Special Sales Department获取。本书版权归Manning Publications所有,未经许可禁止任何形式的复制或传播。书中提及的产品名称可能是制造商和销售商的商标。"
2014-07-26 上传
Summary Scala in Depth is a unique new book designed to help you integrate Scala effectively into your development process. By presenting the emerging best practices and designs from the Scala community, it guides you through dozens of powerful techniques example by example. About the Book Scala is a powerful JVM language that blends the functional and OO programming models. You'll have no trouble getting introductions to Scala in books or online, but it's hard to find great examples and insights from experienced practitioners. You'll find them in Scala in Depth. There's little heavy-handed theory here—just dozens of crisp, practical techniques for coding in Scala. Written for readers who know Java, Scala, or another OO language. Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book. What's Inside Concise, expressive, and readable code style How to integrate Scala into your existing Java projects Scala's 2.8.0 collections API How to use actors for concurrent programming Mastering the Scala type system Scala's OO features—type member inheritance, multiple inheritance, and composition Functional concepts and patterns—immutability, applicative functors, and monads ========================================​========== Table of Contents Scala—a blended language The core rules Modicum of style—coding conventions Utilizing object orientation Using implicits to write expressive code The type system Using implicits and types together Using the right collection Actors Integrating Scala with Java Patterns in functional programming
2018-04-04 上传
In fall 2010 Michael Stephens from Manning contacted me about writing a Scala Book. I was working for a small virtualization/security startup where I had been learning Scala and applying it to our codebase. During that first conversation Michael and I dis- cussed the Scala ecosystem and what kind of a book would best serve the community. I believed Scala needed a “practical Scala” book to help guide those new to the lan- guage. Scala is a beautiful language, but it brings many new concepts to the table. I had watched as the community slowly discovered best practices and a code style that was wholly “Scala.” But I wasn’t sure whether I was the right person to write such a book. When it came down to it, I was passionate about the topic, had enough free time to do the research, and had the support of the magnates of the community to help achieve what you are reading today—so I decided to go ahead. I’ve learned a lot during the writing process. One reason it took so long was the evolving nature of Scala and the emergence of new best practices. Another reason was that I realized my own knowledge was woefully inadequate in some areas of Scala. To all aspiring authors out there, I will tell you that writing a book makes you an expert. You may think you are one before you start, but true expertise grows from the blood, sweat, and tears of teaching, of trying to convey complex concepts to your readers with clarity. Working on this book was a journey that I never could have completed without a very supportive and loving wife, a great publisher, and an amazing community of Scala developers and readers willing to read my manuscript in various stages, point out my typos and misspellings, and offer advice on how to make Scala in Depth a much better book than I could have achieved alone.