76 July/August 2008
Mobile Graphics Survey
Compression not only saves storage space, but it
also reduces the amount of data sent over a net-
work or a memory bus. For GPUs, compression
and decompression (codec) have two major tar-
gets: textures and buffers.
Textures are read-only images glued onto geomet
rical primitives such as triangles. A texture codec
algorithm’s core requirements include fast random
access to the texture data, fast decompression,
and inexpensive hardware implementation. The
random-access requirement usually implies that a
block of pixels is compressed to a xed size. For ex-
ample, a group of 4 × 4 pixels can be compressed
from 3 × 8 = 24 bits per pixel down to 4 bits per
pixel, requiring only 64 bits to represent the whole
group. As a consequence of this xed-rate compres
sion, most texture compression algorithms are lossy
(for example, JPEG) and usually don’t reproduce the
original image exactly. Because textures are read-
only data and usually compressed ofine, the time
spent compressing the image isn’t as important as
the decompression time, which must be fast. Such
algorithms are sometimes called asymmetric.
As a result of these requirements, developers have
adopted Ericsson Texture Compression (ETC) as a
new codec for OpenGL ES.
ETC stores one base
color for each 4 × 4 block of texels and modies
the luminance using only a 2-bit lookup index per
pixel. This technique keeps the hardware decom-
pressor small. Currently, no desktop graphics APIs
use this algorithm.
Buffers are more symmetric than textures in
terms of compression and decompression because
both processes must occur in hardware in real time.
For example, the color buffer can be compressed,
so when a triangle is rendered to a block of pix-
els (say, 4 × 4) in the color buffer, the hardware
attempts to compress this block. If this succeeds,
the data is marked as compressed and sent back to
the main memory in compressed form over the bus
and stored in that form. Most buffer compression
algorithms are exact to avoid error accumulation.
However, if the algorithm is lossy, the color data
can be lossily compressed and later recompressed,
and so on, until the accumulated error exceeds the
threshold for what’s visible. This is called tandem
compression, meaning that if compression fails, you
must have a fallback that guarantees an exact color
buffer—namely, sending the data uncompressed.
Depth and stencil buffers might also be com-
pressed. The depth buffer deserves special men-
tion because its contents are proportional to 1/z,
and when viewed in perspective, the depth values
over a triangle remain linear. Depth-buffer com
pression algorithms heavily exploit this property,
which accounts for higher compression rates. A
survey of existing algorithms appears elsewhere.
Interestingly, all buffer codec algorithms are
transparent to the user. All action takes place in the
GPU and is never exposed to the user or program-
mer, so there’s no need for standardization. There’s
no major difference for buffer codec on mobile
devices versus desktops, but mobile graphics has
caused renewed interest in such techniques.
Tiling architectures
Tiling architectures aim to reduce the memory traf-
c related to frame-buffer accesses using a com
pletely different approach. Tiling the frame buffer
so that a small tile (such as a rectangular block of
pixels) is stored on the graphics chip provides many
optimization and culling possibilities. Commercial-
ly, Imagination Technologies and ARM offer mobile
3D accelerators using tiling architectures. Their core
insight is that a large chunk of the memory accesses
are to buffers such as color, depth, and stencil.
Ideally, we’d like the memory for the entire frame
buffer on-chip, which would make such memory
accesses extremely inexpensive. However, this isn’t
practical for the whole frame buffer, but storing a
small tile of, say, 16 × 16 pixels of the frame buffer
on-chip is feasible. When all rendering has been
nished to a particular tile, its contents can be
written to the external frame buffer in an efcient
block transfer. Figure 2 illustrates this concept.
However, tiling has the overhead that all the tri-
angles must be buffered and sorted into correct tiles
after they’re transformed to screen space. A tiling
pixel shader
Scene data
scene data
Frame buffer
Tile lists
per tile
Texture read
Figure 2. A tiling architecture. The primitives are being transformed
and stored in external memory. There they are sorted into tile lists,
where each list contains the triangles overlapping that tile. This makes it
possible to store the frame buffer for a tile (for example, 16 × 16 pixels)
in on-chip memory, which makes accesses to the tile’s frame buffer
extremely inexpensive.