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or control IC, ADC for analog-to-digital control module, passive buzzer as an alarm circuit. The system is divided into SCM design minimum system, AD conversion control module, power supply circuit, passive buzzer alarm circuit, and function key input circuit. The passive buzzer is selected to simulate the anti-power circuit, and the LCD1602 is used as the display module. The system collects the working voltage of the battery in real time. When the battery power is low, the control circuit will charge the battery. In addition, it will also remind us when the working voltage is insufficient. This intelligent control system design mainly explains in detail from the development situation at home and abroad, the selection of hardware control components, drawing the hardware circuit according to the control principle, and software program design and development of the control system. The control system uses AT89C52 embedded development system, sensor signal acquisition circuit, data conversion circuit, etc. to form an intelligent emergency power supply system.
Keywords: emergency power supply; single-chip microcomputer; real-time display; ADC0832; voltage detection.
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