Simultaneous measurement of mode dependent
loss and mode coupling in few mode fibers by
analyzing the Rayleigh backscattering amplitudes
College of Communication Engineering, Jilin University, 5372 Nanhu Road, Changchun 130012, China
*Corresponding author:
Received 8 June 2018; revised 19 September 2018; accepted 20 September 2018; posted 20 September 2018 (Doc. ID 334721);
published 16 October 2018
In this paper, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a nondestructive method for simultaneously measuring
the mode-dependent loss (MDL) and mode coupling (MC) in few-mode fibers (FMFs). The method is based
on analyzing the Rayleigh backscattering amplitudes obtained with an optical time domain reflect ometer
(OTDR). The experimental results show that, in about 4 km six-mode FMF, the MDL and MC values are
0.132 dB and −23.13 dB∕km between LP
and LP
, 0.176 dB and −23.73 dB∕km between LP
, 0.272 dB and −26.17 dB∕km between LP
and LP
, 0.284 dB and −26.70 dB∕km between LP
and LP
, and 0.380 dB and −20.21 dB∕km between LP
and LP
. And it also demonstrated that the proposed
scheme can be scalable to measure MDL and MC between higher-order modes. The values of the MC and MDL
obtained by the proposed method agree well with that by the conventional transmission method. However, the
proposed method has the merits of simultaneous and single-end measurement of MDL and MC in the FMF and
could be a good solution to the characterization of FMFs used in large-capacity mode-division-multiplexing
transmission systems.
© 2018 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (060.2270) Fiber characterization; (060.2300) Fiber measurements; (290.5870) Scattering, Rayleigh.
The data capacity carried by a single-mode fiber is rapidly ap-
proaching its limits [1]. To overcome this capacity limit, inno-
vations for both transmission systems and optical fibers are
essential. Recently, space-division multiplexing using few-mode
fibers (FMFs) and multi-core fibers (MCFs) has been studied
aggressively [2–12]. The mode-division multiplexing (MDM)
utilizes the orthogonal spatial mode of FMFs as the new multi-
plexing dimension to carry information independently. Ideally,
the capacity of a MDM system is proportional to the number of
modes [6,8,12]. However, the practical FMF-based MDM sys-
tems need to take some additional impairment parameters into
consideration, which mainly include mode-dependent loss
(MDL), mode coupling (MC), and differential modal group
delay [13–15]. MC and MDL, which respectively characterize
the energy exchange between the original independent channels
and the different transmission losses between modes, are the
most critical issues in relation to FMF transmission. When
large MC and MDL are accumulated in FMF transmission
links, the computational complexity of multiple-input-multi-
ple-output equalization can be unmanageable for an MDM
system, which deteriorates the transmission performance
and limits the transmission distances of the MDM sys-
tem [16,17].
Therefore, efficient techniques that can measure MC and
MDL conveniently and accurately become an imperative
requirement. Characterizing MC and MDL contributes to
quantifying the relationship between FMF parameters and
MC and MDL, which helps to optimize the structural design
of FMFs theoretically. Moreover, it can also provide useful in-
formation for under standing the channel dynamics and chan-
nel modeling, and thus optimize the performance of the MDM
Several techniques for measuring the MC along FMFs have
recently been reported, such as the impulse response (IR) tech-
nique [18], swept wavelength interferometry (SWI) [19],
spatially and spectrally resolved mode imaging (S2) [20],
and backscattering methods [21–24]. However, the compli-
cated experimental setups or expensive equipment are required
for the IR, SWI and S2, and thus may not be easily accessible.
Compared with the above methods, the backscattering method,
which detects the power of Rayleigh backscattering light only at
the single-end of the optical fiber, is quite simple and practical.
In 1984, Nakazawa et al. proposed a method for measuring
Vol. 57, No. 30 / 20 October 2018 / Applied Optics
Research Article
1559-128X/18/308894-09 Journal © 2018 Optical Society of America