870 B. Gong et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 78 (2018) 867–886
2.1.5. Other authentication mechanism of IoT
To authenticate the identity of the terminal in the Internet
of Things, domestic and foreign scholars have carried out a lot
of research on authentication in the Internet of Things. Litera-
ture [28] introduced several the biometric-based user authenti-
cation schemes for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks and
analyzed the defects of biometric-based authentication schemes,
such as the failure to resist replay attack, user impersonation
attack, the failure to accomplish mutual authentication and the
failure to provide data privacy. Literature [29] presented a remote
authentication via Biometrics, this authentication is an effective
wavelet-based stenographic method which is proposed for hid-
ing encrypted biometric signals into semantically meaningful VOs
such as the head-and-shoulders VO, but this authentication is
mainly used in Video and image transmission field, it cannot be
applied to other applications in IoT. Literature [30] presented an
efficient generic framework for three-factor authentication, and
this scheme enhances the security of existing two-factor authenti-
cation schemes by upgrading them to three factor authentication
schemes, without exposing user privacy. But three-factor authenti-
cation But this authentication mechanism is a static authentication
mechanism that cannot continuously monitor the authentication
object, it also cannot meet the changing needs of the computing
environment in the Internet of Things. Literature [31] presented a
remote authentication for Smartphones, this authentication com-
bines cloud computing to complete terminal authentication, which
can reduce the energy consumption, and this authentication is suit-
able for low-latency continuous authentication. But this authenti-
cation needs to work with cloud computing, it is not suitable for
the sensing network deployed in wild environment. Literature [32]
presented a two Factor remote authentication, and secret PIN ver-
ification is combined with keystroke analysis to enhance accuracy
level of authentication. The authors have proved their algorithms
are flexible, easy for implementation and more practical for users
than the other known methods in healthcare field. But this scheme
is only considered in the medical field of application, and the
versatility is poor.
2.1.6. Summary
In conclusion, the above-mentioned remote attestation models
have a variety of defects, when they are applied to the sensing
nodes of Internet of thing. To solve the defects, the unified descrip-
tion of the sensing nodes is described in this paper, and remote
attestation mechanism is realized on the basis of the dynamic
trusted measure of the sensing nodes. Compared with the above
remote attestation models, remote attestation model proposed in
this paper has good environmental adaptability, it can real-time
monitor the trust of the proof node and proves its safety under the
standard model.
2.2. Related work of trust measurement for sensing node
2.2.1. The need for trusted measurement of sensing layer nodes
Internet of Things is widely used in various fields, such as the
wisdom of the city, environmental protection, industrial control,
military cooperation and logistics positioning. And it promotes
the economic and social development, but there will be serious
security problems, resulting in huge economic losses and even
endangering people’s lives. The Internet of Things is composed
of the sensing layer, the network layer and the application layer.
The sensing layer node is the peripheral nerve of the Internet
of things. And it realizes the intelligent sensing recognition, the
information collection processing and the automatic control of the
physical world (object), and connect the physical entity to network
communication domain through the communication gateway, and
connect with application domain. Sensing nodes are essential for
the smooth operation of the Internet of Things, so the sensing
operation of the node is the basis of the security of things. The
current lack of research on the security mechanism of node-aware
nodes makes most of the sensing nodes in the actual operation
of the ‘‘streaking’’ state, which is vulnerable to attack. Once the
sensing node is attacked, it will directly affect the Internet of things
on the data acquisition, transmission and processing, and thus
affect the normal application of Internet of things.
Limited by the effective computing resources of the sensing
layer nodes, traditional virus defense mechanism, firewall mech-
anism and intrusion detection mechanism are difficult to apply
to the sensing nodes. These traditional security mechanisms are
passive defense mechanism, and they cannot deal with unknown
security threats. For example, location information services are a
typical application of the Internet of Things, and it is often used
for the positioning of children and the elderly. In this application
scenario, it is important to ensure that hosts networking terminals
of children or the elderly are trustworthy, otherwise they will
not be able to effectively identify the location of children and the
elderly. And in order to avoid malicious attackers’ access to the
location information of children and the elderly, location query
must also be trusted, which requires real-time trusted confirma-
tion of the Internet of things terminals. In order to protect the
trusted operation of sensing layer nodes, it is necessary to monitor
whether the node is trusted in real time. In other words, it is
necessary to ensure that the sensing nodes are trusted to operate
from the perspective of active metrics.
Trusted measurement of sensing nodes can not only improve
the security of Internet of Things, but also reduce the extra over-
head incurred in preventing and monitoring due to untrustwor-
thiness. However, the research on the trusted measurement of the
existing nodes in the Internet has not been satisfactory. First of all,
the current research on trustworthy measurement depends on the
specific application scenarios and the universality is poor. Besides,
it lacks trustworthy measurement model for the internet of Things
sensing nodes. The network of trusted nodes depends on the state
of the sensing nodes, the real-time monitoring and measurement
of the behavior, so the research is suitable for the static and dy-
namic measurement mechanism of the sensing nodes, which is the
key to ensure the trusted operation of the sensing nodes. In the
sensing layer, the current trusted measurement mechanism has
the following challenges: (1) node resources are limited, (2) nodes
are heterogeneous, (3) lack of facility support, (4) wireless channel
fragility. And the trust mechanism of the object-sensing layer node
through the trusted measure is faced with some of the following
challenges: (1) Heterogeneous environment cannot use a unified
trusted measurement mechanism, (2) sensing node deployment
and application mode makes the traditional security policy failure,
(3) different application scenarios make the interaction between
nodes exist unknown mode.
Therefore, in view of the above, the traditional security mech-
anism does not apply to the sensing nodes because of the special
characteristics of the sensing nodes. Secondly, because the sensing
nodes are the basis of the Internet of Things, the trusted operation
is the basis of the trusted operation of the Internet of Things.
Finally, the main task of the sensing node is to collect and transmit
data. To ensure the trust of the data, it is necessary to monitor and
confirm the trusted state of the sensing node in real time.
2.2.2. Related research on trusted metrics of sensing Layer nodes
The current trustworthiness measurement for sensing nodes
of the Internet of Things is to establish a trusted measurement
model of the sensor nodes based on the state of the nodes and
the evidence of the behavior. In literature [33], a trusted metric
model based on the state of data transmission is discussed. The
model focuses on the reliability of data transmission, but lacks