Unity资源引用工具Find Reference 2实用评测

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资源摘要信息: "Find Reference ***.*.*.*z" 知识点: 1. Unity工具介绍: Unity是一个强大的跨平台游戏开发引擎,广泛用于创建二维和三维游戏、交互式内容以及模拟现实环境。它为开发者提供了一系列高效的开发工具,包括游戏物理、渲染、音频系统和脚本接口等。 2. Find Reference 2的作用与优势: "Find Reference 2"是专为Unity环境设计的一款工具,其主要功能是帮助开发者查找和管理项目中的资源引用。使用该工具,开发者可以快速定位到项目中任何一个资源(如模型、纹理、脚本、预制件等)的引用情况。所谓资源引用,即是指该资源被项目中哪些对象所使用。这项功能对于维护大型项目或者清理无用资源来说至关重要。 "Find Reference 2"作为一款亲测好用的工具,它可能提供了比Unity自带的引用检查功能更为强大的特性,例如:更快的搜索速度、更为直观的用户界面、更详细的搜索结果以及可能的支持多种搜索模式等。 3. Unity资源引用的基本概念: 在Unity中,资源引用是指项目中的各种资源与脚本或其他资源之间的相互链接关系。例如,场景中的一个游戏对象可能引用了一个纹理资源,或者一个脚本通过编程逻辑引用了另一个脚本或预制件。这种引用关系对于游戏的正常运行至关重要。 了解资源引用可以帮助开发者更好地组织项目结构,优化资源管理。例如,通过查找资源引用,可以轻松识别出项目中哪些资源是冗余的,可以安全删除以减小项目的整体大小。同时,还可以确保在进行大规模重构或资源替换时,不会无意中破坏了项目中其他部分的功能。 4. Unity资源管理与优化: Unity允许开发者打包项目资源为.unitypackage格式,这是一种压缩包文件,用于在Unity项目之间共享和重新使用资源。"Find Reference 2.unitypackage"表明该工具也可以通过Unity的资源包形式进行分发,便于Unity用户直接导入到他们的项目中。 对于资源管理而言,Unity提供了内置的资源管理工具,比如检视器视图中的“查找引用”,以及Project视图中的右键菜单选项。这些工具能够帮助开发者查看资源引用,但可能在复杂项目中效率不高或不够直观。而"Find Reference 2"的出现,提供了更为专业和高效的解决方案。 5. 版本管理与工具更新: "Find Reference ***.*.*.*z"文件中的版本号“2.4.3”指示了该工具的一个特定版本。软件版本管理对于任何项目而言都是极其重要的,它不仅帮助用户识别和使用特定的软件功能,也方便开发者追踪和修复bug、添加新特性。 总结来说,"Find Reference 2"作为一款针对Unity开发者的资源引用查看工具,它简化了资源引用的查找工作,提高了开发效率,并可能通过其先进的功能支持大型项目的资源优化。通过理解和使用该工具,开发者可以更好地控制他们的Unity项目,确保项目的整洁性和高效性。
2018-08-01 上传
https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/find-reference-2-59092 FR2 helps instantly clean up asset references for your projects Email | Documentation | Forum Why FR2? - Optimize your projects reference to minimize build size - Split your big projects to smaller / managable modules - Safely remove all duplicated assets - Safely replace prefabs / materials / shader with another one - Remove obsolete assets that you don't need anymore How can FR2 help? Just select one or more asset in Project panel and FR2 will show you: - Exactly what's being included in each scene or in each prefab. Remember that one redundant reference may resulted in asset being duplicated in each assetbundles and increase AssetBundle build sizes (Animation / Texture / Audio duplication) or degrade performance (Material duplication - increase drawcalls) - Which assets referenced to and make selected assets included in the build. This will help you confident that intermediate project assets will not be included in final build - Duplicated assets you may accidentally copy over and over. Using FR2 you can then redidrect all those references to a single copy of your choice and safely delete other duplications (usage count of those assets should now be 0) - See all assets not being referenced by any other asset so you can delete them all without worrying about breaking any references. - GUID Tools Advanced tool where you can see GUID of each asset and redirect references from one asset to another You can use this to redirect all references to TextureA (using TextureA) to TextureB, the same applied for shader, materials, mesh... Beware that replace references is very powerful yet dangerous operation you'd better don't use it if you don't understand how GUID works in Unity Other Features - Full C# source code - Top notch support 24/7 - Blazing fast - built for HUGE PROJECTS - Support with Unity 4.3+ and Unity 5.x - Quickly disable FR2 when not in used (zeroing performance cost) - Display usage count in project panel so you know which asset being used and how many times it's being used - Find script dependencies (experimental, C# only) - Export assets with references