深入探索C# 2010与.NET 4平台

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"Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform 5th Edition Apress" 是一本由 Andrew Troelsen 编写的专著,深入探讨了使用 C# 语言与 .NET 4 平台进行软件开发的专业知识。 这本书详细介绍了 C# 2010 语言和 .NET Framework 4 的核心概念和技术,是针对有经验的开发者以及想要学习 C# 和 .NET 4 的人员的一份全面指南。作者 Andrew Troelsen 是一位知名的 .NET 领域专家,他的作品通常以其深度和实用性而受到赞誉。 在本书中,读者可以期待学习到以下关键知识点: 1. **C# 2010 语言特性**:包括但不限于 LINQ(Language Integrated Query)的使用,匿名类型,Lambda 表达式,动态类型,扩展方法,以及异步编程模型等。这些特性显著增强了 C# 作为面向对象语言的能力,提高了代码的可读性和效率。 2. **.NET 4 平台概述**:涵盖 .NET Framework 4 的新功能,如 WCF(Windows Communication Foundation)的改进,WF(Windows Workflow Foundation)的更新,以及 Silverlight 和 ASP.NET 的增强。这些框架提供了构建分布式系统、工作流应用和服务导向架构的基础。 3. **类库和API**:深入讲解了 BCL(Base Class Library)中的核心类,如集合类,线程管理,文件和网络操作,以及XML处理等。此外,还可能涉及ADO.NET Entity Framework,用于ORM(对象关系映射)的数据访问。 4. **编程实践**:书中会涵盖良好的编程习惯,设计模式,以及单元测试和调试技巧,帮助开发者遵循最佳实践来编写高质量的代码。 5. **Windows Forms和WPF**:介绍如何使用这两种用户界面技术来创建桌面应用程序,包括控件,布局,事件处理,以及数据绑定。 6. **ASP.NET Web 应用开发**:详细讲解如何使用 ASP.NET 构建Web应用程序,包括MVC(Model-View-Controller)框架,Web Forms,以及动态数据和Ajax支持。 7. **并发和多线程**:随着多核处理器的普及,理解并发编程至关重要。书中会讲解如何在 .NET 4 中有效地管理线程,使用Task Parallel Library (TPL) 和其他并发工具。 8. **安全性**:包括身份验证、授权和加密机制,确保应用程序的安全运行。 9. **部署和配置**:介绍如何正确打包和部署应用程序,以及如何管理和配置应用程序设置。 10. **性能优化**:提供有关代码性能分析和优化的策略,帮助开发者最大化应用的运行效率。 《Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform 5th Edition》是一本全面且深入的教程,对于想要提升 .NET 开发技能的开发者来说,是一本不可多得的参考书。
2013-07-18 上传
This book has existed, in one form or another, since the first release of C# and the .NET Platform was published in step with Microsoft’s release of .NET 1.0 Beta 2 (circa the summer of 2001). Since that point, I have been extremely happy to see that this text continues to be very well received by the press. Over the years, it was nominated as a 2002 Jolt Award finalist (I lost, but hey, life goes on); it was also awarded the 2003 Referenceware Excellence Award for programming book of the year. More importantly, I have been very grateful to receive e-mails from readers all around the world. It is very cool to chat with so many people who have told me this book has helped their careers in some small way. On a related note, I have to say that this book is better than it has ever been, thanks to the readers who have send me various suggestions for improvements, pointed out typos in the text, and alerted me to other glitches on my part. I have also been taken aback to learn that this very book has been, and is being used, in college and university settings, and is required reading for numerous undergraduate and graduate courses in the field of computer science. To the press, readers, and professors, I have nothing to say but thank you and happy programming! In any case, since the initial release of this book, I have worked hard to keep the material current with each release of the .NET platform. The fifth edition of this text, which you hold in your hands, has been fully updated to provide coverage on the new features of the C# 2010 programming language, as well as the new features of .NET 4.0 Platform. Here you will find information on the new Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR), the Task Parallel Library (TPL), Parallel LINQ (PLINQ), the ADO.NET Entity Framework (EF), and several “minor” (but very useful) updates, such as C# 2010 named arguments, C# 2010 optional parameters, the Lazy<T> class type, and so on. In addition to covering all the new bits, this book continues to provide you with a rock-solid foundation of the C# language as a whole, the pillars of object oriented programming (OOP), assembly configuration, database access (through ADO.NET), as well as the process of building desktop GUI applications, web applications, and distributed systems (among other topics). As with the earlier editions, this edition presents the C# programming language and .NET base class libraries using a friendly and approachable tone (or so I have been told!). As well, this new edition remains focused on providing you with the information you need to build software solutions today, rather than spending too much time examining esoteric details that few individuals will ever actually care about.