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AFDX网络仿真系统设计与研究关注于航空电子全双工交换式以太网(AFDX)在现代飞机通信中的关键角色。AFDX因其实时性、可靠性和确定性,已经成为新型航空总线技术的首选。为了有效应对这种技术的复杂性和在航空电子系统开发中的应用,文章提出了一个创新的AFDX网络仿真测试系统。 该系统的核心是端系统和交换机,它们作为网络的基础构建单元,支持仿真、监控、加载和管理一系列AFDX网络设备。用户可以通过这个平台深入理解和评估AFDX网络的通信机制、工作原理和实际应用,通过仿真监控功能,精确掌握数据流、运行模式和工作过程,这对于问题定位和故障排查至关重要。 仿真系统的设计旨在模拟真实飞行环境下的网络行为,对关键设备的功能、性能进行全面检测。在研发、生产、交付和维护的各个阶段,网络仿真能够节省时间,减少硬件投入,提高效率,确保通信系统的正常运行和可靠性。 系统功能方面,AFDX地面仿真系统执行包括系统功能测试、系统可靠性测试和系统性能测试在内的多维度测试,通过精心设计的环境用例来分析AFDX网络的传输特性。测试方法详细且全面,确保覆盖所有关键指标。 总结来说,这篇文章提供了一个实用的AFDX网络仿真平台,它不仅有助于设备的研发人员理解协议和工作原理,也为维护人员提供了有力的工具,以便在地面环境中进行高效、准确的测试,从而推动了航空电子系统的整体发展和优化。
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This document comprises the Hardware User’s Manual for the API-FDX2-V2 PCI Card, consisting of the API-FDX2-V2 electronic module. The document covers the hardware installation, the board connections, a general description of the hardware architecture and the technical data of the API-FDX2-V2. For programming information please refer to the according documents listed in the 'Applicable Documents' section. The API-FDX2-V2 module is a member of AIM's family of advanced PMC-Bus modules for analyzing, simulating, monitoring and testing of avionic databus systems. The API-FDX-2 module is used to simulate, monitor and inject protocol errors of AFDX based network systems. The API-FDX-2 offers an interface of two single or one redundant AFDX network port(s) using a half sized single card PCI bus slot of an IBM compatible PC. The on-board processing capabilities and the large memory size of the SDRAM and SSRAM enables autonomous operation with a minimal interaction of the PC host processor. A powerful PCI-Controller and Memory Arbiter is realized in a field programmable gate array. This FPGA supports both, the interface to the application and driver software tasks running on the host computer, and assists the communication for data transfer. The advanced architecture uses two processors. A powerful 64bit RISC processor (ASP) assists and supports the application and driver software tasks, and expands the capability of the API-FDX2-V2 modules to that of a high level instrument. To fulfill the real-time requirements of avionic type databus systems a high performance 32bit RISC processor (BIP) is implemented for the Bus Interface Unit (BIU). An free wheeling IRIG B Time Code Decoder is implemented on the API-FDX2-V2 boards to satisfy the requirements of 'multi-channel time tag synchronization' on system level.