The insertion loss was measured to be less than 8 dB, which is an
appropriate bandwidth for the proposed application. Such a BSF
can also be implemented in a microstrip oscillator to obtain low-
phase-noise characteristics [9]. Because it is compact and minia-
turized, the resonator can be easily integrated using various
MMIC technologies. Table 1 summarizes the results.
A compact and miniaturized dual-band BSF developed based on
the slot spurline technique was designed, fabricated, and charac-
terized. A spiral slot line was implemented in a double mean-
dered slot spurline resonator to create the dual-mode BSF, and
the characterization data are in relatively good agreement with
the simulated results. The BSF demonstrated a wide and deep
rejection bandwidth of 1.18 GHz. The proposed BSF, designed
based on the slot spurline technique, was verified to be suitable
for practical applications in communications systems and feasi-
ble for fabrication via IC technology due to its performance
potential and inherently small size.
This research was supported by the National Research Founda-
tion of Korea (NRF), a grant from the Korean government
(MEST) (No. 2011–0030819) and research grants awarded from
Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea, in 2013.
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2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Yong-Dan Kong, Qing-Xin Chu, and Rong-Lin Li
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, South China
University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510640, China;
Corresponding author:
Received 30 August 2013
ABSTRACT: A compact fourth-order six-stages split-step finite-differ-
ence time-domain method is developed, which is based on the compact
fourth-order scheme. The proposed method improves the efficiency of
computation by reducing the bandwidth of the matrix to be inversed from
seven to five for the fourth-order scheme. Furthermore, the proposed
method is proven to be unconditionally stable. The numerical dispersion
error of this new approach is studied by comparison to the original
second-order method and fourth-order method.
2014 Wiley Periodicals,
Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 56:1031–1036, 2014; View this article
online at DOI 10.1002/mop.28259
Key words: finite-difference time-domain; split-step scheme; compact
fourth-order scheme; unconditionally stable
Recently, to overcome the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) con-
dition on the time step size of the finite-difference time-domain
(FDTD) method [1], unconditionally stable methods, such as
alternating direction implicit (ADI) [2,3], locally one-
dimensional (LOD) [4,5], and split-step [6–8] FDTD methods
have been developed. The method in [7] is based on the split-
step scheme and Crank–Nicolson scheme, and has six substeps,
which is denoted as SSCN6-FDTD herein. The SSCN6-FDTD
method has second-order accuracy both in time and space, and
has simpler procedure formulation than those of the ADI-FDTD
method and LOD-FDTD method. However, these methods are
still limited by numerical dispersion error with large time steps.
Conversely, using high-order schemes is a usual method to
reduce the numerical dispersion error. Concretely, high-order
ADI-FDTD, LOD-FDTD, and split-step FDTD methods were
presented in [9–11], respectively. Furthermore, high-order four-
Figure 5 Measured and simulated frequency responses and photograph
of the proposed miniaturized bandpass filter. [Color figure can be viewed
in the online issue, which is available at]
TABLE 1 A Summary of the Size and Simulated and Meas-
ured Results of Three Types of Spurline Resonator Filters
Results (GHz)
Results (GHz)
Frequency 10.5 10.7
Insertion Loss 233 225
Return Loss 21.2 0.47
Bandwidth Rejection 1.2 1.18
Size (7 3 30) mm
DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 5, May 2014 1031