Lane Detection Based on Straight Line Model and K-Means Clustering
Jinyu Liu
, Lu Lou
, Darong Huang
, Yu Zheng
, Wang Xia
1. College of Information Science and Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China
E-mail: hcx1978@163.com
2. Department of Rail Transit Engineering, Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation, Chongqing 402247, China
E-mail: zhengyu523@163.com
Abstract: This paper presents an effective and robust algorithm to detect the lanes in highway. It uses Hough Transform to fit the
lane line of top view of the road and extracts the most representative lane line in each category after clustering all the lines, which
is then followed by a post-processing step. The results show that this algorithm can effectively reduce the disturbance of vehicles
and guardrails to achieve 90% correct rate.
Key Words: K-Means Clustering, Inverse Perspective Mapping, Lane Detection
1 Introduction
The incidence of highway traffic accidents has increased
year by year, which is a threat to public health in China. Lane
detection is a useful technology of Advanced Driver
Assistance System (ADAS) which may help reducing the
driving fatalities and has already attracted a lot of attention.
The lanes of highway are usually white or yellow lines,
and it can be divided into many types including single solid
line, double solid line, dotted line. Between the lanes of the
ramp, there are also labeled a few traffic signs, such as speed
limit, steering, road signs. The complex road environments
bring great challenges for the lane detection in ADAS. In
recent years, many breakthroughs have been made in lane
detection for highway, urban road and suburban roads. Lane
detection algorithms are mainly divided into three categories:
the first type is based on the model-based lane detection.
Paper [3][4][5][6] detected the lanes based on line model
with better real-time performance, but it did not overcome
the disturbance of road signs; in [9], a camera imaging model
was built and the lanes were scanned twice in conjunction
with the edge contribution function to overcome the
disturbance of non-lane markings; in [7][8], a Random
Sample Consensus (RANSAC) curve model was set up to fit
the lane line; in order to improve the detection rate, paper [10]
used the direction-variable Haar feature to extract the edge
feature points and fitted them by hyperbola model; in [11], a
generalized curvilinear lane model was established firstly,
and then the parameters of the model were solved by
adaptive selection of random Hough Transform and taboo
search according to the parameters of the model, which
improved the real-time performance of the algorithm. The
second type is feature-based lane detection. After Inverse
Perspective Mapping (IPM), paper [12] used parallel
features of lane preforming the enhancement of lane and then
extracted; in [13], the candidate lane markings are marked by
the color characteristics of lanes and the main lane markings
are found by clustering; paper [14] used template matching
to extract the feature points of the lane edge; in [15], the
lane-line characteristic area is found through the
This work is supported by National Nature Science Foundation under
Grant 61573076, Scientific and Technological Research Program of
Chongqing Municipal Education(KJ1755492)
characteristics of the boundary line between the road and the
non-road, and the lane line is fitted by straight line or curve
model; in [16], the invariant moment features in the image
are extracted, and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is
used to model the invariant moments of the lane line to detect
the lane line; in [17], the color feature was used to extract the
lane area, and the edge features were used to test the lane line,
finally, RANSAC was used to lane-lane curve fitting. In
method of feature-based, some noise edge points can have a
significant impact on the test. The third type is the lane
detection based on deep learning in recent years; for example,
in [18], an improved Boosting algorithm was used to train
the classification function on the edge and the gray level of
the image to judge whether each point is the edge point of the
lane line; paper [19] used Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)
for image enhancement and lane detection; in order to solve
the interference of fences, trees and crossroads, paper [20]
used Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to suppress the
noise in images and then used RANSAC algorithm to fit lanes;
paper [21] used two-time transfer learning in SegNet
network for end-to-end lane segmentation and achieved
good results; in [22], a multitask network structure based on
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and CNN was designed
to detect the lane line, and the effect of vehicle blockage and
lane wear on lane line detection was well solved. Lane
detections based on Deep Learning increase the recognition
rate, but they require the higher hardware support.
End-to-end detection of Deep Learning is not conducive to
the decision-making of automatic driving intermediate
This paper focuses on the highway lane detection. In
structured road environments in highway, the lane markers
are clear and the scene interference is relatively weak. The
lane detection algorithm based on features or models can
achieve the better detection results; paper [12] pointed out
that different pixels in the image are used to represent the
same position in the field of view due to the influence of
perspective and it first used IPM to eliminate the influence of
perspective to detect the lane line; paper [7] combined with
RANSAC and IPM algorithm to detect urban lanes to solve
the impact of sun glare, other road signs, different pavement
materials on lane detection, and has better real-time and
robustness; in [5], a combination of structure and gradient
method was proposed to extract candidate lane lines, and
2018 IEEE 7th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference
May 25-27, 2018, Enshi, Hubei Province, China
978-1-5386-2618-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE