Optimum Surface Plasmon Excitation and
Propagation on Conductive Two-Dimensional
Materials and Thin Films
Feng Liang, Alexander B. Yakovlev, Senior Member, IEEE, and George W. Hanson, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—The surface conductivity of two-dimensional (2-D)
materials and thin conductive films is considered for surface plas-
mon (SP) excitation and propagation. It is shown that an ideal
surface conductivity exists to maximize the SP field at a given
position, based on a tradeoff relating to propagation loss and
near-field excitation amplitude associated with the local density of
photonic states. Dispersionless and Drude dispersion models are
considered, as well as the effect of interband transitions. Simple
formulas are presented to obtain a maximal SP field at a given dis-
tance from a canonical source. Examples are shown for graphene
and thin metal films, and a discussion of the competition between
propagation loss and SP excitation is provided.
Index Terms—Graphene, surface plasmon (SP), thin films.
ECAUSE of their ability to confine light in subwave-
length spaces, surface plasmons (SPs) are of considerable
importance in a variety of areas, including optical sensors, opti-
cal antennas, solar cells, near-field communications, and data
storage [1]. SPs can be confined to a planar-like surface and
propagate along the surface, and are sometimes called surface
plasmon polaritons (SPPs), or they can be nonpropagating and
confined to the surface of metallic particles or curved metal
objects, in which case they are called l ocalized surface plas-
mons (LSPs) [2] or particle plasmons. The main attributes of
both SPPs and LSPs are high electric field amplitudes and sub-
wavelength energy confinement. Although SPPs and LSPs have
many overlapping applications, uses of SPPs often involve their
propagation aspects for communications or sensing [3]–[6], and
many LSP applications center on their small size and station-
ary nature, such as creating localized hot-spots for biological/
medical imaging and cancer treatment [7], [8]. Planar structures
Manuscript received September 12, 2014; revised December 14, 2014;
accepted January 18, 2015. Date of publication January 22, 2015; date of
current version April 03, 2015. This work was supported in part by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61204041 and Grant
61331007, in part by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project
under Grant 2014M552335, in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the
Central Universities of China under Grant ZYGX2013J049, and in part by the
China Scholarship Council.
F. Liang is with the School of Physical Electronics, University of
Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China (e-mail:
A. B. Yakovlev is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of Mississippi, Oxford, MI 38677 USA (e-mail:
G. W. Hanson is with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53211 USA (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2015.2395440
having propagating SPs are larger than typical LSP structures,
but are generally easier to fabricate and one does not need to
precisely position nanoparticles as is often required for LSP
Surface plasmons on two-dimensional (2-D) planar materials
such as graphene and MoS
, and on very thin three-dimensional
(3-D) materials such as thin metal layers, doped semiconduc-
tor films, and 2-D electron gasses are of considerable interest
[9]–[15]. In all cases, the surface can be modeled by a surface
conductivity σ (S), and which can be controlled by chemical
doping and, for some materials like graphene and even thin
metals, can be controlled by an external dc electric or magnetic
field bias [16], [17]. Frequency dispersion typically dictates a
desirable frequency range for s trong SP propagation. Moreover,
although it is beyond the scope of the present work, one can
engineer artificial surfaces to achieve desirable characteristics
(often analyzed by 2-D homogenization) [18]–[20].
In general, σ is complex valued, with the real part being
associated with loss (absorption) and the imaginary part being
associated with reactive energy storage. For many materials
of interest, there is a Drude component and an interband
component; Im(σ) < 0 for the Drude component is inductive
due to the kinetic energy of charge carriers, whereas for the
interband component Im(σ) > 0 is related to capacitance asso-
ciated with band transitions. Loss is associated with Re(σ)
due to electronic collisions with phonons, impurities, lattice
imperfections, and band transitions.
Given that the value of σ can be controlled by a range of geo-
metrical and electrical parameters, an important question arises
as to the optimal surface characteristics for SP excitation and
propagation. Obviously, we generally want a low-loss structure,
and so we will assume that Im(σ) Re(σ) to have low sur-
face plasmon absorption, and also that the permittivity of the
material surrounding the surface has low dielectric loss. In this
work, we consider the optimum value of the surface conductiv-
ity of a 2-D surface and thin film for strong SP excitation and
propagation. We consider several different models of increas-
ing complexity, including dispersionless and Drude dispersion
models, as well as the effect of interband transitions, to achieve
desirable SP characteristics.
Consider an infinite 2-D material sheet with surface conduc-
tivity σ = σ
− jσ
immersed in a multilayered environment
as depicted in Fig. 1. In each region, the permittivity may
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