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资源摘要信息:"Android Programming Cookbook" 《Android编程食谱》是一本专注于Android平台编程的实用指南,旨在为开发者提供一系列实用的编程“食谱”或解决方案,帮助他们快速掌握并应用Android开发中的常见任务和技巧。本书深入浅出地介绍了如何利用Android SDK进行应用开发,并通过一系列简短、清晰的代码示例展示了如何完成各种常见的开发任务。 Android编程是基于Java语言的移动应用开发,但随着时间的推移和Android平台的发展,Kotlin语言也被Google官方宣布为Android应用开发的首选语言。因此,本书很可能包含Java和Kotlin两种语言的示例代码,以及它们在Android Studio集成开发环境中的应用。 本书的目录可能包括如下主题: 1. Android基础设置与环境配置:介绍如何设置Android开发环境,包括安装Android Studio,配置SDK,创建和管理AVD(Android虚拟设备)等。 2. 基础UI组件:讲解如何使用Android中的基本UI组件,如TextView、Button、EditText等,以及如何处理它们的事件和布局。 3. 活动(Activity)和片段(Fragment):活动是Android应用的单个屏幕,而片段则是组成活动的部分,本书可能会介绍如何创建和管理这两个组件。 4. 适配器和列表视图:用于展示滚动列表的Adapter和ListView的使用,这对于构建如通讯录这类应用至关重要。 5. 广播接收器、服务和服务与活动的交互:介绍如何接收系统广播以及创建后台服务,并处理服务与活动之间的通信。 6. 数据存储:包括文件系统、SharedPreferences、SQLite数据库等数据持久化技术的使用。 7. 位置服务和地图应用:如何使用Google Maps API构建地图应用,并利用GPS获取位置信息。 8. 网络编程:介绍如何进行HTTP通信,使用WebView加载网页,以及使用网络相关的类如HttpURLConnection和Volley等。 9. 多媒体处理:包括音频、视频的录制和播放以及使用相机API进行拍照等。 10. 高级主题:可能会包含OpenGL ES图形编程,Material Design设计原则,多线程处理,以及性能优化等高级话题。 通过这本书,开发者不仅可以学习到基础的Android应用开发技术,还能够了解如何在Android平台上实现复杂的、具有吸引力的应用功能,从而在Android开发领域中更加得心应手。此书适用于有一定编程基础并希望进入Android开发领域的开发者,也适合希望提高其Android开发技能的现有开发者。 由于《Android Programming Cookbook》是一本“食谱”类书籍,它会通过具体的“食谱”或案例来指导读者完成特定的任务,比如如何实现一个特定的用户界面布局,如何处理一个特定的用户交互,或者如何实现一个特定的数据管理方案。每个“食谱”都旨在为开发者提供清晰的步骤、代码示例和解释,以便他们可以快速学习和应用这些技能。这样的结构使得本书成为一本非常实用的参考资料,适合于快速查找和解决问题。
2016-01-11 上传
About This Book, See what Material design is about and how to apply it your apps, Explore the possibilities to develop apps that works on any type of device, A step-by-step practical guide that will help you build improved applications, change their look, and debug them, Who This Book Is For, This book is for developers that are already familiar with programming concepts and have already started creating apps for the Android platform, for example, by using the Eclipse IDE. It is for developers who intend to use Android Studio as their primary IDE or want to use Android Studio more efficiently., What You Will Learn, Develop Android Studio applications using Genymotion, Apply the concepts of Material design to your applications, Use memory monitoring tools to tweak performance, Build applications for Android Wearable, Capture images, video, or audio within your Android app, Use content providers to display data, Build apps with a cloud-based backend, Create media-related apps that will run on phones, phablets, tablets, and TVs, In Detail, This book starts with an introduction of Android Studio and why you should use this IDE rather than Eclipse. Moving ahead, it teaches you to build a simple app that requires no backend setup but uses Google Cloud or Parse instead. After that, you will learn how to create an Android app that can send and receive text and images using Google Cloud or Parse as a backend. It explains the concepts of Material design and how to apply them to an Android app. Also, it shows you how to build an app that runs on an Android wear device., Later, it explains how to build an app that takes advantage of the latest Android SDK while still supporting older Android versions. It also demonstrates how the performance of an app can be improved and how memory management tools that come with the Android Studio IDE can help you achieve this., By the end of the book, you will be able to develop high quality apps with a minimum amount of effort using the Android Studio IDE., Style and approach, This is a practical guide full of challenges and many real-world examples that demonstrate interesting development concepts. Besides smartphones and tablets, it also covers Android wearable devices and Android TV. Although strongly recommended, it is not necessary to own any Android device yourself.