精通Apache Maven 3:构建与自动化实战指南

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"Apache Maven 3 Cookbook" 这本书是针对Apache Maven 3的一本实践指南,旨在帮助读者高效地进行Java软件工程。Maven是一个强大的项目管理和综合工具,它简化了构建、依赖管理和文档生成等任务。本书由Srirangan编写,出版于2011年,由Packt Publishing发行。 通过阅读本书,读者将能够: 1. 安装和配置Apache Maven 3:了解如何根据开发架构安装、设置和配置Maven 3,以适应不同的开发环境。 2. 理解Maven 3的构建生命周期:深入理解Maven 3中的Build Lifecycle概念,包括编译、测试、打包、验证等各个阶段。 3. 使用Maven开发企业级Java应用:学习如何利用Maven的插件和配置来构建复杂的企业级应用。 4. 实现自动化构建和依赖管理:掌握Maven的POM(Project Object Model)文件,用以定义项目结构、依赖关系和其他构建参数,实现自动化构建过程。 5. 推行测试驱动开发(TDD):学习如何集成测试框架,如JUnit,实现测试驱动的开发流程。 6. 扩展Maven:通过自定义Java、ANT或JRuby插件,增强Maven的功能,满足特定项目需求。 7. 实践敏捷协作与持续集成:运用Maven与其他工具集成,如Git、Jenkins,实现敏捷开发中的版本控制、持续集成和团队协作。 8. 集成开发环境(IDE):学会如何在Eclipse、NetBeans和IntelliJ IDEA等流行的Java IDE中整合Maven,提升开发效率。 9. 项目报告和Maven仪表板:了解如何生成项目文档,使用Maven的内置报告功能和仪表板,提供清晰的项目状态和进度信息。 10. 中央化仓库管理:学习如何建立和管理中央仓库,以统一管理项目依赖,确保团队成员使用的库版本一致。 "Apache Maven 3 Cookbook"是一本面向Java开发者的技术手册,它提供了超过50个实用的解决方案和示例,帮助读者提升工作效率,降低项目复杂性,同时加深对Maven 3的理解和应用。无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益,更好地驾驭Maven这个强大的工具。
2015-08-17 上传
Over 90 hands-on recipes to successfully build and automate development life cycle tasks following Maven conventions and best practices About This Book Understand the features of Apache Maven that makes it a powerful tool for build automation Full of real-world scenarios covering multi-module builds and best practices to make the most out of Maven projects A step-by-step tutorial guide full of pragmatic examples Who This Book Is For If you are a Java developer or a manager who has experience with Apache Maven and want to extend your knowledge, then this is the ideal book for you. Apache Maven Cookbook is for those who want to learn how Apache Maven can be used for build automation. It is also meant for those familiar with Apache Maven, but want to understand the finer nuances of Maven and solve specific problems. What You Will Learn Install Apache Maven successfully on your preferred OS Explore the various features of Apache Maven to build efficient automation tools Discover when and how to use the various Apache Maven plugins Generate and publish your project documentation using Apache Maven Analyze and control code quality and code coverage using Apache Maven Build various types of Java projects as well as other binaries Set up complex projects using the concept of inheritance In Detail Apache Maven offers a comprehensive set of features to build, test, release, and deploy software projects and maintain enterprise development infrastructure. This book is a hands-on guide that enables you to explore the vast potential of Apache Maven, the leading software build tool. You will start off by successfully installing Apache Maven on your favorite OS, and then you will create your first working project. Furthermore, the book walks you through setting up and using Maven with popular Java Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) so you can exploit Maven features to build standard Java applications. Above all, you will also learn to create site reports and documentation for your project along with handling typical build requirements and other advanced Maven usages. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Getting Started Chapter 2: IDE Integration with Maven Chapter 3: Maven Lifecycle Chapter 4: Essential Maven Plugins Chapter 5: Dependency Management Chapter 6: Code Quality Plugins Chapter 7: Reporting and Documentation Chapter 8: Handling Typical Build Requirements Chapter 9: Multimodule Projects Chapter 10: Java Development with Maven Chapter 11: Advanced Maven Usage
2023-03-16 上传
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