Figure 1. The proposed efficient sub-pixel convolutional neural network (ESPCN), with two convolution layers for feature maps extraction,
and a sub-pixel convolution layer that aggregates the feature maps from LR space and builds the SR image in a single step.
based [9, 18, 46, 12] and patch-based [2, 43, 52, 13, 54,
40, 5] methods. A detailed review of more generic SISR
methods can be found in [45]. One family of approaches
that has recently thrived in tackling the SISR problem is
sparsity-based techniques. Sparse coding is an effective
mechanism that assumes any natural image can be sparsely
represented in a transform domain. This transform domain
is usually a dictionary of image atoms [25, 10], which can
be learnt through a training process that tries to discover
the correspondence between LR and HR patches. This
dictionary is able to embed the prior knowledge necessary
to constrain the ill-posed problem of super-resolving unseen
data. This approach is proposed in the methods of [47, 8].
A drawback of sparsity-based techniques is that introducing
the sparsity constraint through a nonlinear reconstruction is
generally computationally expensive.
Image representations derived via neural networks [21,
49, 34] have recently also shown promise for SISR. These
methods, employ the back-propagation algorithm [22] to
train on large image databases such as ImageNet [30] in
order to learn nonlinear mappings of LR and HR image
patches. Stacked collaborative local auto-encoders are used
in [4] to super-resolve the LR image layer by layer. Os-
endorfer et al. [27] suggested a method for SISR based on
an extension of the predictive convolutional sparse coding
framework [29]. A multiple layer convolutional neural net-
work (CNN) inspired by sparse-coding methods is proposed
in [7]. Chen et. al. [3] proposed to use multi-stage trainable
nonlinear reaction diffusion (TNRD) as an alternative to
CNN where the weights and the nonlinearity is trainable.
Wang et. al [44] trained a cascaded sparse coding network
from end to end inspired by LISTA (Learning iterative
shrinkage and thresholding algorithm) [16] to fully exploit
the natural sparsity of images. The network structure is not
limited to neural networks, for example, a random forest
[31] has also been successfully used for SISR.
Figure 2. Plot of the trade-off between accuracy and speed for
different methods when performing SR upscaling with a scale
factor of 3. The results presents the mean PSNR and run-time
over the images from Set14 run on a single CPU core clocked at
2.0 GHz.
1.2. Motivations and contributions
With the development of CNN, the efficiency of the al-
gorithms, especially their computational and memory cost,
gains importance [36]. The flexibility of deep network mod-
els to learn nonlinear relationships has been shown to attain
superior reconstruction accuracy compared to previously
hand-crafted models [27, 7, 44, 31, 3]. To super-resolve
a LR image into HR space, it is necessary to increase the
resolution of the LR image to match that of the HR image
at some point.
In Osendorfer et al. [27], the image resolution is
increased in the middle of the network gradually. Another
popular approach is to increase the resolution before or
at the first layer of the network [7, 44, 3]. However,
this approach has a number of drawbacks. Firstly, in-
creasing the resolution of the LR images before the image
enhancement step increases the computational complexity.
This is especially problematic for convolutional networks,
where the processing speed directly depends on the input