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The measurement experiment simulation of Velocity and Acceleration Based on LabVIEW is a study that focuses on simulating the velocity and acceleration measurement experiment using virtual instruments. With the rapid development of technology, the software industry has made it possible for users to program and create the functionalities they desire, making operations simpler and visualizations clearer. This study aims to provide a user-friendly experience where users can manually operate the entire experiment process on the front panel, observe the movement of the slider on the air cushion guide rail, and view the measured data displayed on the timer and counter speedometer. The experience aims to make users feel as if they are conducting experiments in a real physics laboratory, providing an immersive feeling. The visual interface also makes it easier for teachers to conduct physics teaching. The key words for this study are LabVIEW, virtual instrument, velocity, and acceleration.
2022-03-11 上传
110 浏览量
2022-05-31 上传
2022-07-13 上传
112 浏览量
166 浏览量

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