A Non-Stationary MIMO Channel Model for Street
Corner Scenarios Considering Velocity Variations of
the Mobile Station and Scatterers
Ji Bian
, Yu Liu
, Cheng-Xiang Wang
, Jian Sun
, Wensheng Zhang
, and Minggao Zhang
Shandong Provincial Key Lab of Wireless Communication Technologies,
School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100, China.
Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems, School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK.
Email: {bianjimail, xinwenliuyu}@163.com, cheng-xiang.wang@hw.ac.uk, {sunjian, zhangwsh}@sdu.edu.cn, zmg225@163.com
Abstract—Most channel models in the literature assume that
the scatterers are fixed and the mobile station (MS) moves
with a constant speed in a given direction. However, in realistic
propagation environments, both the scatterers and the MS can
be moving, and the velocities of the scatterers and the MS can
change with time. In this paper, we develop a non-stationary
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel model for street
corner scenarios. The proposed channel model takes into account
both fixed and moving scatterers. Velocity variations, including
speed and movement direction, of the MS and moving scatterers
are considered. Analytical solutions of spatial cross-correlation
function (CCF), temporal autocorrelation function (ACF), and
Wigner-Ville spectrum are derived and analyzed. Moreover, the
impacts of velocity variations on the statistical properties of the
proposed model are investigated. The proposed channel model
is illuminating for future vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and
vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) channel modeling.
Index Terms—Non-stationary MIMO channel model, velocity
variations, time-variant parameters, statistical properties, street
corner scenarios.
The V2V and V2I communications have drawn increasing
attention from researchers in recent years and are consid-
ered to play a crucial role in the next-generation intelligent
transportation systems (ITSs) [1], [2]. The V2V and V2I
communications are assumed to provide many benefits, such
as reducing traffic accidents and improving traffic efficiency.
For example, in street corner scenarios, as illustrated in Fig. 1,
drivers usually have poor visibility of the road. Real-time road
condition information provided through extremely low latency
V2I/V2V communications can help to avoid a collision. For
system design and performance evaluation, detailed and accu-
rate knowledge of the channels for street corner scenarios is
Most existing channel models are assumed to satisfy the
wide-sense stationary (WSS) assumption, which means the
stationarity of the channel during the observation time interval
is fulfilled in the wide sense [3]. However, channels in realistic
environments, especially in high mobility scenarios illustrate
non-stationary properties [4]–[7]. Authors in [8] reported that
the WSS assumption can result in erroneous evaluation of
system performance. Therefore, for high mobility scenarios,
the non-stationarity of channels in channel modeling has to
be considered. Most non-stationary channel models in the
literature were developed based on the movements of the MS
and clusters. Authors in [9] proposed a non-stationary IMT-
Advanced high-speed train (HST) channel model [10]. Time-
varying parameters including delays, powers, and angles were
calculated according to the movement of the receiver and
clusters. A three-dimensional (3-D) wideband non-stationary
geometry-based stochastic channel model (GBSM) for V2V
channels was proposed in [11]. The model is composed of
a line-of-sight (LoS) component, a two-sphere model, and an
elliptic-cylinder model. The last two models capture the effects
of moving vehicles and fixed roadside scatterers, respectively.
The movements of the transmitter and receiver result in time-
varying angles of departure (AoDs) and time-varying angles of
arrival (AoAs), which can be obtained based on the geometric
A common assumption in the channel modeling is that
the MS moves along a straight line with a constant speed.
However, in real-world environments, the MS can move along
different trajectories with time-varying speed. Relaxing the
constant velocity assumption can help to develop more realistic
non-stationary channel models. In [12], a non-stationary chan-
nel model for isotropic scattering environments considering
velocity variations of the MS was proposed. The temporal
ACF and Wigner-Ville spectrum of the proposed model were
derived. In [13], a non-stationary mobile-to-mobile (M2M)
channel model allowing for velocity variations of the MS was
proposed. The authors developed the model under isotropic
scattering condition and illustrated that the correlation prop-
erties of the M2M channel can be significantly affected by
the variations of the MS velocity. Further extension of [13]
were reported in [14], where the correlation properties of the
proposed model were investigated under non-isotropic scatter-
ing condition. However, models in [13], [14] are single-input
single-output (SISO) M2M channel models and the models
in [12]–[14] omitted the moving scatterers in propagation
In this paper, a non-stationary MIMO channel model for
street corner scenarios is developed using a geometry-based