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"MSP432P401是一款由Texas Instruments(TI)推出的基于Arm Cortex-M4F内核的微控制器,该芯片具备高性能、低功耗的特点,广泛应用于各种嵌入式系统设计。它拥有丰富的模拟功能、多种内存配置以及灵活的时钟系统,并集成了SimpleLink平台,支持蓝牙低功耗、Wi-Fi和低于1GHz的无线通信。" MSP432P401的关键特性如下: 1. **处理器核心**:采用Arm Cortex-M4F内核,带有浮点单元(FPU)和内存保护单元(MPU),工作频率最高可达48MHz,具有出色的能效表现。 2. **模拟功能**:包含一个16位高精度SAR ADC,采样速率最高达1Msps,支持差分和单端输入。另外,还有两个模拟比较器、两个窗口比较器和最多24个输入通道,以及内部参考电压,其稳定性典型值为25ppm/°C。 3. **内存配置**:提供高达2048KB的闪存主存储器,分为两个独立区域,便于在擦除操作期间继续读取或执行。还包括32KB的闪存信息存储器,256KB的SRAM(其中8KB为备份存储器),2KB的Utility SRAM,以及32KB的ROM,内置MSP432外围驱动程序库。 4. **低功耗模式**:设计有多级低功耗模式,如有效模式下的100μA/MHz,低频有源模式下的95μA(128kHz时),以及LPM3、LPM3.5、LPM4和LPM4.5等超低功耗模式,最低可达22nA。 5. **SimpleLink平台**:支持蓝牙低功耗、Wi-Fi和低于1GHz的无线通信标准,提供单一的开发环境和100%代码重用的SimpleLink SDK。 6. **电源和温度范围**:工作电压在1.62V到3.7V之间,环境温度范围为-40°C到85°C。 7. **时钟系统**:具备可编程的内部DCO(最高48MHz)、32.768-kHz低频晶体(LFXT)、高频晶体(HFXT)、低频修整内部参考振荡器(REFO)、超低功耗低频内部振荡器(VLO)、模块振荡器(MODOSC)和系统振荡器(SYSOSC),提供了多样化的时钟源选择。 8. **代码安全**:提供JTAG和SWD锁定功能,以及IP保护,确保了代码的安全性,最多可以有四个安全区域。 MSP432P401是面向嵌入式系统的高性能微控制器,适合于需要高效能计算、高级模拟功能和低功耗特性的应用,例如物联网设备、智能家居、医疗设备和工业自动化等领域。由于其强大的硬件加速能力和丰富的外设接口,开发者可以轻松地实现复杂的功能,同时保持较低的系统功耗。
2015-04-23 上传
MSP432 低功耗高性能并存10.1 Digital I/O Introduction The digital I/O features include: • Independently programmable individual I/Os • Any combination of input or output • Individually configurable interrupts for ports (available for certain ports only) • Independent input and output data registers • Individually configurable pullup or pulldown resistors • Wake-up capability from ultra-low power modes (available for certain ports only) • Individually configurable high drive I/Os (available for certain I/Os only) Devices within the family may have up to eleven digital I/O ports implemented (P1 to P10 and PJ). Most ports contain eight I/O lines; however, some ports may contain less (see the device-specific data sheet for ports available). Each I/O line is individually configurable for input or output direction, and each can be individually read or written. Each I/O line is individually configurable for pullup or pulldown resistors. Certain ports have interrupt and wake-up capability from ultra-low power modes (see device specific data sheet for ports with interrupt and wake-up capability). Each interrupt can be individually enabled and configured to provide an interrupt on a rising or falling edge of an input signal. All interrupts are fed into an encoded Interrupt Vector register, allowing the application to determine which sub-pin of a port has generated the event. Individual ports can be accessed as byte-wide ports or can be combined into half-word-wide ports. Port pairs P1 and P2, P3 and P4, P5 and P6, P7 and P8, and so on, are associated with the names PA, PB, PC, PD, and so on, respectively. All port registers are handled in this manner with this naming convention. The main exception are the interrupt vector registers, for example, interrupts for ports P1 and P2 must be handled through P1IV and P2IV, PAIV does not exist. When writing to port PA with half-word operations, all 16 bits are written to the port. When writing to the lower byte of port PA using byte operations, the upper byte remains unchanged. Similarly, writing to the upper byte of port PA using byte instructions leaves the lower byte unchanged. When writing to a port that contains less than the maximum number of bits possible, the unused bits are don't care. Ports PB, PC, PD, PE, and PF behave similarly.