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ImageMagick Tricks: Web Image Effects from the Command Line and PHP指南是一本由Soheil Salehi编写的实用教程和技巧手册,旨在帮助读者充分发掘ImageMagick的强大功能。作为英文原版书籍,它不仅提供了详尽的ImageMagick命令行操作指导,而且深入讲解了其内置的批处理语言Conjure,这在其他资源中相对较少见,使得它成为处理图像批处理任务的绝佳工具。 书中首先介绍了ImageMagick的基本概念和原理,让读者对这个强大的图像处理软件有全面的了解。它涵盖了如何通过命令行执行各种图像转换、调整、合成等操作,包括但不限于裁剪、缩放、颜色调整、滤镜应用等。对于那些希望在Web开发中利用ImageMagick增强图片效果的开发者,这部分内容尤其实用。 作者还特别关注了与PHP的结合,展示了如何通过PHP脚本来调用ImageMagick的API,实现了动态图片处理和服务器端的图像优化。这使得ImageMagick不仅能用于静态网页设计,还可以无缝融入到网站开发流程中,提升用户体验。 此外,书中还包含了许多实用技巧和示例,如创建动态图水印、批量处理大尺寸图片、生成缩略图等,这些都是实际项目中常见的需求。对于初学者来说,书中的每个技巧都配以清晰的步骤和解释,使其易于理解和上手。 版权方面,这本书受到严格保护,未经出版商Packt Publishing事先书面许可,不得进行任何形式的复制、存储或传播。尽管作者和出版社已尽力确保信息的准确性,但本书并不保证无误,并且不承担因本书导致的任何直接或间接损失的责任。 在商标使用上,Packt Publishing已尽可能正确标注了书中提及的所有公司和产品的商标信息,但并不能对此准确性做出保证。 ImageMagick Tricks是一本实用的工具书,适合图像处理爱好者、Web开发者和系统管理员深入学习和实践ImageMagick技术,提高他们的工作效率。无论是希望通过命令行还是PHP进行高级图像处理,或者想要深入了解Conjure批处理语言的用户,都能从中受益匪浅。
2017-12-22 上传
Image Engineering Vol.1_Image Processing-Tsinghua University(2017) Image Engineering Vol.2_Image Analysis-Tsinghua University(2017) Image Engineering Vol.3_Image Understanding-Tsinghua University(2017) This book is the Volume I of “Image Engineering,” which is focused on “Image Processing,” the low layer of image engineering. This book has grown out of the author’s research experience and teaching prac- tices for full-time undergraduate and graduate students at various universities, as well as for students and engineers taking summer courses, in more than 20 years. It is prepared keeping in mind the students and instructors with the principal object- ive of introducing basic concepts, theories, methodologies, and techniques of image engineering in a vivid and pragmatic manner. Image engineering is a broad subject encompassing other subjects such as computer science, electrical and electronic engineering, mathematics, physics, physiology, and psychology. Readers of this book should have some preliminary back- ground in one of these areas. Knowledge of linear system theory, vector algebra, probability, and random process would be beneficial but may not be necessary. This book consists of eight chapters covering the main branches of image pro- cessing. It has totally 55 sections, 99 subsections, with 164 figures, 25 tables, and 473 numbered equations, in addition to 60 examples and 96 problems (the solutions for 16 of them are provided in this book). Moreover, over 200 key references are given at the end of book for further study. This book can be used for the first course “Image Processing” in the course series of image engineering, for undergraduate students of various disciplines such as computer science, electrical and electronic engineering, image pattern recognition, information processing, and intelligent information systems. It can also be of great help to scientists and engineers doing research and development in connection within related areas. Special thanks go to De Gruyter and Tsinghua University Press, and their staff members. Their kind and professional assistance are truly appreciated. Last but not least, I am deeply indebted to my wife and my daughter for their encouragement, patience, support, tolerance, and understanding during the writing of this book.