"HY-2与Jason-2高度计数据对比及Matlab GUI系统开发研究"

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The study conducted in the document "HY-2与Jason-2高度计数据对比及基于Matlab GUI的系统开发_毕业论文.pdf" focuses on the comparison of altimeter data from the HY-2 and Jason-2 satellites, as well as the development of a system based on Matlab GUI. The HY-2 satellite, launched in August 2011, is equipped with an altimeter that can monitor sea surface height, sea surface wind speed, and significant wave height globally and continuously. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the main measurement parameters of the HY-2 and Jason-2 satellites, highlighting differences and similarities in their data. The comparison of altimeter data from HY-2 and Jason-2 satellites is crucial for understanding the accuracy and reliability of sea level measurements. By examining the data from both satellites, researchers can identify any discrepancies and improve the quality of the measurements. The study in the document provides valuable insights into the performance of the altimeters on these satellites and their ability to monitor sea surface conditions effectively. In addition to the data comparison, the document also discusses the development of a system based on Matlab GUI for analyzing and visualizing the altimeter data. The use of Matlab GUI allows for a user-friendly interface that facilitates data processing and interpretation. By developing a system that streamlines the analysis of altimeter data, researchers can improve efficiency and accuracy in studying sea surface dynamics. Overall, the document "HY-2与Jason-2高度计数据对比及基于Matlab GUI的系统开发_毕业论文.pdf" offers a comprehensive analysis of altimeter data from the HY-2 and Jason-2 satellites, as well as an innovative approach to system development using Matlab GUI. This study contributes to the advancement of oceanographic research and enhances our understanding of sea surface dynamics.

优化以下代码% 设置参数 t = 0.03; % 时间范围,计算到0.03秒 x = 1; y = 1; % 空间范围,0-1米 m = 320; % 时间t方向分320个格子 n = 32; % 空间x方向分32个格子 k = 32; % 空间y方向分32个格子 ht = t / (m - 1); % 时间步长dt hx = x / (n - 1); % 空间步长dx hy = y / (k - 1); % 空间步长dy hx2 = hx^2; hy2 = hy^2; % 初始化矩阵 u = zeros(m, n, k); % 设置边界 [x, y] = meshgrid(0:hx:1, 0:hy:1); u(1, :, :) = sin(4 * pi * x) + cos(4 * pi * y); % 按照公式进行差分 for ii = 1 : m - 1 u_prev = u(ii, :, :); u_next = u_prev; for kk = 2 : k - 1 u_prev_k = u_prev(:, kk); u_next_k = u_next(:, kk); u_prev_kk_1 = u_prev(:, kk + 1); u_prev_kk_1(1) = u_prev_k(1); u_prev_kk_1(end) = u_prev_k(end); u_prev_kk_2 = u_prev(:, kk - 1); u_prev_kk_2(1) = u_prev_k(1); u_prev_kk_2(end) = u_prev_k(end); A = diag(ones(n - 3, 1), 1) - 2 * diag(ones(n - 2, 1)) + diag(ones(n - 3, 1), -1); B = diag(ones(n - 3, 1), 1) + diag(ones(n - 3, 1), -1) + 2 * diag(ones(n - 2, 1)); C = diag(ones(n - 3, 1), 1) - 2 * diag(ones(n - 2, 1)) + diag(ones(n - 3, 1), -1); D = u_prev_kk_1 / hy2; E = u_prev_kk_2 / hy2; F = u_prev_k / hx2 + 1 / ht; G = u_prev_k / hx2 - 1 / ht; H = u_prev_kk_1 / hy2 + u_prev_kk_2 / hy2 + 1 / ht; I = u_prev_kk_1 / hy2 + u_prev_kk_2 / hy2 - 1 / ht; K = B - ht * F; L = B + ht * G; M = A + ht * D; N = C - ht * E; u_next(:, 2 : end - 1, kk) = thomas(K, M, N, H); u_next(:, 2 : end - 1, kk) = thomas(L, N, M, I); end u(ii + 1, :, :) = u_next; end % 绘制图像 parfor i = 1 : m figure(1); mesh(x, y, reshape(u(i, :, :), [n k])); axis([0 1 0 1 -2 2]); end % Thomas 算法求解三对角线性方程组 function x = thomas(A, B, C, D) n = length(D); for k = 2 : n m = A(k) / B(k - 1); B(k) = B(k) - m * C(k - 1); D(k) = D(k) - m * D(k - 1); end x(n) = D(n) / B(n); for k = n - 1 : -1 : 1 x(k) = (D(k) - C(k) * x(k + 1)) / B(k); end end

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