Welcome to the C programming language—and to C++, too! This book presents leading-
edge computing technologies for college students, instructors and software development
At the heart of the book is the Deitel signature “live-code approach.” We present con-
cepts in the context of complete working programs, rather than in code snippets. Each
code example is followed by one or more sample executions. Read the online Before You
Begin section (
www.deitel.com/books/chtp7/chtp7_BYB.pdf) to learn how to set up
your computer to run the hundreds of code examples. All the source code is available at
www.deitel.com/books/chtp7/ and www.pearsonhighered.com/deitel. Use the source
code we provide to run every program as you study it.
We believe that this book and its support materials will give you an informative, chal-
lenging and entertaining introduction to C. As you read the book, if you have questions,
send an e-mail to
deitel@deitel.com—we’ll respond promptly. For book updates, visit
www.deitel.com/books/chtp7/, join our communities on Facebook (www.deitel.com/
), Twitter (@deitel) and Google+ (gplus.to/deitel), and subscribe to the
Buzz Online newsletter (www.deitel.com/newsletter/subscribe.html).
New and Updated Features
Here are some key features of C How to Program, 7/e:
• Coverage of the New C standard. The previous edition of the book conformed to
“standard C” and included a detailed appendix on the C99 standard. The New
C Standard was approved just before C How to Program, 7/e went to publication.
The new standard incorporates both C99 and the more recent C1X—now re-
ferred to as C11 or simply “the C standard” since its approval in 2011. Support
for the new standard varies by compiler. The vast majority of our readership uses
either the GNU
gcc compiler—which supports several of the key features in the
new standard—or the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler. Microsoft supports only
a limited subset of the features that were added to C in C99 and C11—primarily
the features that are also required by the C++ standard. To accommodate all of
our readers, we placed the discussion of the new standard in optional, easy-to-use-
or-omit sections and in Appendix F, Introduction to the New C Standard. We’ve
also replaced various deprecated capabilities with newer preferred versions as a re-
sult of the new C standard.
• New Chapter 1. The new Chapter 1 engages students with intriguing facts and fig-
ures to get them excited about studying computers and computer programming.
The chapter includes a table of some of the research made possible by computers
and the Internet, current technology trends and hardware discussion, the data hier-
archy, a new section on social networking, a table of business and technology pub-