"基于单片机的高效 LED 智能照明驱动及控制系统设计"

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本论文介绍了一种基于单片机的LED智能照明驱动及控制系统的硬件部分设计。LED作为一种具有体积小、耗能低、使用寿命长和绿色环保等优点的现代化照明灯具,其驱动电路的设计对LED灯具的品质和寿命有直接影响。在现有LED驱动电路功率因数低、效率低的不足之处的基础上,本设计将采用高效率和高功率因数的LED驱动电路,并结合单片机实现智能照明控制,以节约用电并实现自动控制。最终的硬件系统运行良好,各项功能和参数均满足设计要求。 LED (Light Emitting Diode) is a semiconductor diode which can convert electrical energy into light energy. As a modern new type of lighting fixture, it has the advantages of small size, low energy consumption, long service life, and environmental friendliness. The LED array, control circuit, and driving circuit together form the LED lighting fixture, and the quality and service life of the LED lighting fixture are directly related to the performance of the LED driving circuit. The low power factor and low efficiency of LED driving circuits are the main shortcomings, which will cause harmonic pollution and reduce the utilization of electrical energy. To solve these problems, this design adopts a high-efficiency and high power factor LED driving circuit. In order to better utilize electrical energy, this design utilizes a single-chip microcomputer to achieve intelligent lighting, allowing the LED to achieve automatic control, and reasonable light adjustment will save more electricity. In the end, this design achieves the hardware of the LED intelligent lighting drive and control system, and the system runs well. The results show that all functions and parameters meet the requirements of this design.