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"这篇文档主要讨论了在Ubuntu 18.04虚拟机上理解元学习论文'Optimization as a Model for Few-Shot Learning'的简单解析,特别提到了VMware中挂载SD卡设备的方法。同时,文档还附带了一个基于Roc-rk3399-pc开发板的平台介绍,该平台采用ARMCortex-A72+Cortex-A53架构,由Shenzhen100askTechnologyCo.制造。文档中强调了产品使用和售后维修的注意事项以及保修政策。" 文章详细解析: 元学习,也称为meta-learning,是一种机器学习方法,其目标是让模型能够快速适应新任务,即使只有少数样例。在“Optimization as a Model for Few-Shot Learning”这篇论文中,作者探讨了将优化过程本身作为模型来处理小样本学习任务的概念。这种思路的核心是使模型能够学习如何有效地学习,从而在面对新的、数据稀疏的任务时能迅速调整并达到良好性能。 在虚拟机环境中,例如Ubuntu 18.04,进行这样的研究和实验常常需要挂载外部存储设备,如SD卡。在VMware中,通过运行`dmesg`命令可以查看系统日志并获取新连接设备的信息,如本文档中所示,设备节点/dev/sdb标识了挂载的SD卡。这允许用户将数据导入虚拟机,用于训练和测试元学习模型。 Roc-rk3399-pc是一个嵌入式开发平台,适用于基于ARMCortex-A72和Cortex-A53处理器的系统级芯片(SoC)的开发。该平台可能被用来运行和测试元学习算法,因为它们在边缘计算和低功耗设备上运行的能力对实时和高效的小样本学习至关重要。开发手册提供了关于平台硬件的详细信息,包括安全操作指南和保修政策。 在使用Roc-rk3399-pc开发板时,用户应遵循一系列注意事项,如使用合适的电源适配器,避免在极端环境下操作,防止液体溅入,以及避免在通电状态下插拔组件,以免损坏电路。此外,如果产品出现故障,用户可以根据提供的保修政策联系制造商进行维修。 这篇文档不仅提供了元学习论文的简要理解和VMware中的设备挂载方法,还介绍了基于RK3399芯片的嵌入式开发板的使用和维护知识,对于进行相关研究和开发工作的人员具有实际指导意义。

train with base lr in the first 100 epochs # and half the lr in the last 100 epochs To train with a base learning rate for the first 100 epochs and half the learning rate for the last 100 epochs, you can use a learning rate scheduler in PyTorch. Here's an example of how you can modify the training loop in your code: import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.optim as optim from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import MultiStepLR # Define your model, criterion, and optimizer model = YourModel() criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01) # Define the number of epochs and the milestone epochs num_epochs = 200 milestones = [100] # Create a learning rate scheduler scheduler = MultiStepLR(optimizer, milestones=milestones, gamma=0.5) # Train the model for epoch in range(num_epochs): # Train with base lr for the first 100 epochs, and half the lr for the last 100 epochs if epoch >= milestones[0]: scheduler.step() for inputs, labels in train_loader: # Forward pass outputs = model(inputs) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) # Backward pass and optimization optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # Perform validation or testing after each epoch with torch.no_grad(): # Validation or testing code # Print training information print(f"Epoch [{epoch+1}/{num_epochs}], Loss: {loss.item()}, LR: {scheduler.get_last_lr()[0]}") # Save the model or perform other operations after training In this code snippet, we create a MultiStepLR scheduler and specify the milestones as [100] and gamma as 0.5. The learning rate is halved at the specified milestone epochs. Inside the training loop, we check if the current epoch is greater than or equal to the milestone epoch, and if so, we call scheduler.step() to update the learning rate. Remember to adjust the num_epochs and other hyperparameters according to your specific requirements. 翻译成中文

2023-07-16 上传

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2023-05-29 上传