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"Activiti in Action 2012 高清PDF" 《Activiti in Action》是一本关于工作流引擎Activiti的专业书籍,由该引擎的作者之一Tijs Rademakers撰写,旨在深入讲解如何使用Activiti实现业务流程管理(BPM)。这本书虽然是英文版,但内容清晰易懂,对于想要掌握Activiti的人来说是一份宝贵的资料,同时也被推荐作为替代JBPM的学习资源。 Activiti是一个基于BPMN 2.0标准的开源工作流引擎,它提供了一整套解决方案,包括用于绘制业务流程的Activiti Designer工具。BPMN(Business Process Model and Notation)2.0是一种图形化表示业务流程的国际标准,使得业务流程的设计更直观、更易于理解。 在书中,作者详细介绍了如何使用Activiti Designer绘制业务流程图,通过XML输出部署到Activiti Engine中。这个引擎负责执行流程定义,包括自动化步骤(如调用Web服务)以及涉及人员和Web表单的手动步骤。 Activiti Engine的这一特性使得业务流程不仅可读,而且可执行,极大地提升了工作效率。 Webforms是Activiti中与人交互的重要部分,它们可以用来收集用户输入,驱动流程的下一步行动。Tasks则代表了流程中的工作单元,可以分配给不同的角色或个人来完成。Jobs则是引擎内部调度的任务,如定时触发器,用于在特定时间执行某些动作。 Activiti还支持Web服务(WS)和 Representational State Transfer(REST)接口,这意味着它可以轻松地与其他系统集成,实现跨平台的流程协同。数据库(DB)支持则确保了流程实例和历史数据的持久化存储,方便追踪和分析。 通过阅读《Activiti in Action》,读者不仅可以学习到如何使用Activiti设计和实施业务流程,还能了解到如何管理任务、调度工作和监控流程执行。这本书覆盖了从基础概念到高级特性的全面内容,对想要深入理解BPMN和Activiti技术的开发者和业务分析师来说,是一本不可多得的参考书。在Manning出版社的官方网站上,读者可以获取更多关于本书的信息和购买优惠。
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Writing this book was a life-changer for me. After I wrote Open Source ESBs in Action for Manning a few years ago, I focused on my daily job for some time, working with open source enterprise integration frameworks like Mule, Camel, ServiceMix, and Spring Integration. My work, over time, drove me to designing and developing processes and BPM , and I started using j BPM and WebSphere Process Server. Then I learned that the founder of the j BPM project, Tom Baeyens, was leaving JB oss to work on a new open source project, which was in stealth mode at that time (early 2010). When the first alpha version of Activiti was released, I told myself I had to contribute to that project, one way or another. A piece that was missing in the first stages of the Activiti project was an Eclipse plug-in. I had some email conversations with Tom about contributing the plug-in to Activiti. We met and he told me that his goal was to disrupt the process engine space with the Activiti project. My enthusiasm grew even more and I offered my time to start working on a first version of the Activiti Designer. Together with my former col- leagues, Tiese Barrell, Yvo Swillens, and Ron van Liempd, we were able to deliver a first version within a couple of months. As we became part of the Activiti developer community, my hands were itching to start writing a book about Activiti. I felt that a great open source process engine would need a detailed book to describe all the possibilities and potential it offers. Manning was eager to publish a book about Activiti, and, together with Ron, we started writing in the autumn of 2010. We had a hard time keeping up with the frequent releases and the new functionality that kept on coming. But, it also was a lot of fun to be able to write about a new functionality that was just (or about to be) released. After a few meet-ups with the Activiti developer community and a couple of nice dinners with the Activiti team, we began discussing the possibility of my joining Alfresco to work on Activiti. In May 2011, I accepted the offer and was able to begin working on Activiti full-time. In the meantime, the writing of this book fell a little behind schedule. There was so much interesting work to be done developing the Activiti Designer, working on the Activiti Engine, and starting in a new job, that time caught up with me. After I had settled in a bit, I took up the writing task again and began working on the remaining chapters. So here I am, at the end of the process. I’ve switched from being a consultant to an open source software engineer, and I’m close to completing my second book. And, just like with my previous book, I have a new family addition coinciding with the book’s release. I hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as I loved writing it!