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"Swift 数据结构与算法" 本书《Swift.Data.Structure.and.Algorithms》旨在帮助开发者深入理解并掌握常见算法和数据结构,利用Swift 3的最新特性有效地实现它们。无论你是自学成才的开发者还是拥有计算机科学背景的专业人士,这本书都将为你提供在移动、桌面和服务器应用中开发原生Swift数据结构和算法所需的知识。 书中的内容涵盖了以下几个方面: 1. **基础数据结构与Swift REPL**:了解基本数据结构的重要性,并学习如何使用Swift的交互式Playgrounds进行实践。Swift REPL(Read-Eval-Print Loop)允许你实时测试代码,便于理解和调试数据结构。 2. **Swift标准库中的集合**:学习如何使用Swift标准库中的集合,包括数组、链表等,并探讨它们与Objective-C集合的桥接。同时,你将接触到协议导向编程的概念,这是Swift语言的一个关键特性。 3. **生成器和序列**:探索Swift中的生成器和序列,以及如何利用它们实现高级数据结构,如Stack、StackList、Queue和LinkedList。 4. **排序算法**:学习插入排序、归并排序和快速排序等排序算法的实现,并分析不同算法之间的性能权衡。理解这些算法的内部工作原理对于优化代码性能至关重要。 5. **树形结构**:介绍二叉树、B-Tree和Splay Trees等数据结构的实现,这些在数据存储和检索中广泛应用。 6. **高级搜索方法**:通过红黑树、AVL树和Trie树实现高效的搜索方法,并研究子字符串搜索算法,如KMP算法。 7. **图算法**:了解图数据结构,包括深度优先搜索、广度优先搜索、有向图、无环图、最小生成树和最短路径算法的实现。 8. **算法效率与性能测量**:深入探讨算法效率,学习如何衡量算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,以便在实际项目中做出最佳选择。 9. **选择完美算法**:根据具体问题和需求,学习如何正确选择和应用适合的数据结构和算法。 每一章都专注于一个特定的主题,逐步引导读者从基础知识到高级概念,确保你能够熟练地运用Swift来解决实际问题。通过阅读本书,你将能够利用Swift的强大功能构建高效、优化的代码,提升你的编程技能。
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Swift Data Structure and Algorithms by Erik Azar English | 18 Nov. 2016 | ISBN: 1785884506 | 286 Pages | AZW3/MOBI/EPUB/PDF (conv) | 22.7 MB Master the most common algorithms and data structures, and learn how to implement them efficiently using the most up-to-date features of Swift 3 About This Book Develop a deep understanding of the collections in the Swift Standard Library with this step-by-step guide Develop native Swift data structures and algorithms for use in mobile, desktop, and server-based applications Learn about performance efficiency between different data structures and algorithms Who This Book Is For This book is for developers who want to learn how to implement and use common data structures and algorithms natively in Swift. Whether you are a self-taught developer without a formal technical background or you have a degree in Computer Science, this book will provide with the knowledge you need to develop advanced data structures and algorithms in Swift using the latest language features. What You Will Learn Get to know about the basic data structures and how to use the Swift REPL Use the Swift Standard Library collections bridging to Objective-C collections, and find out about protocol-oriented programming Find out about Swift generators and sequences, and see how to use them to implement advanced data structures such as Stack, StackList, Queue, and LinkedList Implement sorting algorithms such as Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, and Quick Sort and understand the performance trade-offs between them See how to implement various binary trees, B-Tree, and Splay Trees Perform advanced searching methods using Red-Black trees, AVL trees, and Trie trees, and take a look at several substring search algorithms Get to know about the data structures used in graphs and how to implement graphs such as depth-first search, breadth-first search, directed graphs, spanning tree, and shortest path Explore algorithm efficiency and see how to measure it