Oracle 安装用户组的创建在官方文档有说明,这里把这部分内容单独拿出来说明一下。
1.1 Required Operating System Users and Groups
To install theOracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster software and Oracle RAC, you mustcreate the following operating system groups and users:
(1)The Oracle Inventory group(typically,oinstall) for all installations. The Oracle Inventory groupmust be the primary group for Oracle software
installation owners. Members ofthe Oracle Inventory group have access to the Oracle Inventory directory. Thisdirectory is the central inventory record of
all Oracle software installationson a server and the installation logs and trace files from each installation.
(2)An Oraclesoftware owner. This is the user account you use when installing the software.
If you want to use a single software owner for all installations,then typically the user name isoracle. If you plan to install the OracleGrid Infrastructure
for a cluster and the Oracle RAC software using separatesoftware owners to separate Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a clusteradministrative privileges from
Oracle Database administrative privileges, thentypically you would usegridfor the Oracle Grid Infrastructure for acluster software owner andoraclefor the
Oracle RAC software owner.
--如果安装单实例,创建一个 oracle 用户就可以了,如果是安装 RAC,则需要在创建一个集群的用户,在安装 grid。
(3)The OSDBA group(typically,dba) for Oracle Database authentication.
The OSDBA groupis a system privileges group whose members are granted the SYSDBA privilege toadminister Oracle Database and the SYSASM
privilege to administer OracleClusterware and Oracle ASM. To provide fine-grained control of administrativeprivileges you can create multiple operating
system groups as describedin"OptionalOperating System Users and Groups".
If installingOracle RAC on Microsoft Windows, then OUI automatically createstheORA_DBAgroup for authenticating SYSDBA access. Also, if
youinstall the Oracle RAC software while logged in to an account withadministrative privileges, then you do not have to create a separate user forthe
If you use oneinstallation owner for both Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster and OracleRAC, then when you want to perform administration tasks,
you must change thevalue forORACLE_HOMEenvironment variable to match the instance youwant to administer (Oracle ASM, in the Grid home, or a
database instance in theOracle home).
--如果将 grid 和 oracle 用同一个用户来安装,那么必须改变 ORACLE_HOME 变量的值。
To changetheORACLE_HOMEenvironment variable, use a command syntax similar tothe following example, where/u01/app/11.2.0/gridis the
Oracle GridInfrastructure for a cluster home:
ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid; exportORACLE_HOME
If you try toadminister an instance usingsqlplus,lsnrctl,orasmcmdcommands whileORACLE_HOMEis set to a differentbinary path, then you will
encounter errors. The Oracle home path does notaffectsrvctlcommands.
1.2 Separate Operating System Users and Groups for Oracle
Software Installations
Instead of usinga single operating system user as the owner of every Oracle softwareinstallation, you can use multiple users, each owning one or
more Oraclesoftware installations. A user created to own only the Oracle GridInfrastructure for a cluster installation is called thegriduser.This user owns
both the Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Automatic StorageManagement binaries. A user created to own either all Oracle softwareinstallations (including
Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster), or onlyOracle Database software installations, is called theoracleuser.