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"Core Java Career Essentials" 本书《Core Java Career Essentials》是针对Java开发人员的一份重要参考资料,由Arulkumaran Kumaraswamipillai和Sivayini Arulkumaran共同撰写,旨在帮助读者深入理解Java平台、语言、类、对象、面向对象的概念与原则、数据结构、算法以及模式匹配的基础知识。本书适用于那些希望在Java领域建立职业发展的人士。 书中的内容涵盖了以下几个关键领域: 1. **Java平台**:包括Java虚拟机(JVM)、Java标准版(Java SE)和企业版(Java EE)的基本概念,以及Java运行环境的配置和管理。 2. **Java语言**:深入讲解Java语法、控制流、异常处理、封装、继承和多态等核心特性,帮助读者掌握编写高效、健壮的Java代码。 3. **类和对象**:探讨如何设计和实现类,以及如何通过对象进行编程,强调面向对象设计的基本原则和最佳实践。 4. **面向对象概念与原则**:介绍封装、继承和多态三大面向对象特性,以及设计模式的应用,使读者能够理解和应用这些基本的软件设计原则。 5. **数据结构**:涵盖常见的数据结构如数组、链表、栈、队列、树和图,以及它们在实际问题中的应用,帮助读者理解如何有效地存储和处理数据。 6. **算法**:讲解排序、搜索、图算法等基础算法,提升解决问题的能力和程序的效率。 7. **模式匹配**:讨论正则表达式和模式匹配在文本处理和数据验证中的作用,帮助开发者提高代码的可读性和灵活性。 书中特别指出,尽管作者已经尽力确保信息的准确性,但不提供任何形式的保证,无论是明示的还是默示的。如果读者发现任何技术性、语法或拼写错误,可以通过邮件向java-interview@hotmail.com提供反馈和修正建议。此外,更多关于Java和Java企业级开发的职业资源可以在找到。 感谢审阅者Ankit Garg、Devaka Cooray、Roberto Perillo、Rod Good和Sean Clynes的贡献,他们的专业意见确保了本书的质量。 《Core Java Career Essentials》是一本全面的Java学习指南,它不仅涵盖了基础理论,还强调了实践应用,对于希望在Java开发领域深化技能和提升职业生涯的人来说,是一本理想的伴侣书籍。
115 浏览量
"Core Java Essentials" are something you must know, and know it well to succeed as a Java professional. Even 40% to 60% of the so called experienced professionals fail to make an impression due to their lack of understanding in one or more of the areas covered in this book. Lack of good understanding in the core essentials can be a speed breaker to your career advancement. If you have a java interview coming up in a few days or you want to impress your peers and superiors with your technical strengths during code review sessions, team meetings, and stand-ups, and concerned about how to make a good impression? You don't need to worry if you are familiar with the fundamentals. This is a Questions & Answers book with 250+ questions and answers relating to core Java with lots of code snippets (100+), examples, and diagrams. Most Java interviews and technical challenges you face at work are structured around the fundamentals and how well you communicate those fundamentals. So regularly brushing up on these fundamentals really pays off. Your analytical, problem solving, and coding skills will also be under scrutiny along with your ability to get the job done with the right tools. If your fundamentals are clear and know what tools to use, you can tackle any questions, and find solutions to any problems and challenges you face. Even if you don't have the exact answer for a problem, you will know how to go about solving them with a little research if you have a solid grounding in the fundamentals covered in this book. A little preparation can make a huge difference to your career success. Preparation can help you communicate your thoughts more clearly with examples and illustrations. Preparation can make a good and lasting impression on those who talk with you during your interviews and team meetings. This impression will be partly influenced by how prepared you are and how knowledgeable you are about your industry and the challenges it faces. It will also be influenced by your appearance, attitude, enthusiasm, and confidence. Good preparation breeds confidence and it shows in the interviews and team meetings. So prepare well in advance if you just begun to see yourself in your dream company or would like to go places in your chosen field.