"Python Django混沌系统敏感信息加密算法研究与实现"
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本研究基于Python Django混沌系统敏感文本信息加密算法研究源码数据库论文.docx,探讨了信息加密技术在互联网安全中的重要性和应用。随着互联网的快速发展,人们获取信息的便捷性提高,但与此同时也带来了信息安全问题的关注。随着实名制上网政策的实施,大量个人隐私信息在线存在着被盗取使用的风险,这对个人和社会都带来了严重的安全隐患。
This study is based on the research paper "Python Django Chaos System Sensitive Text Information Encryption Algorithm Research Source Code Database", and explores the importance and application of information encryption technology in Internet security. With the rapid development of the Internet, people's access to information has become more convenient, but at the same time, it has brought attention to information security issues. With the implementation of the real-name system for online access, there is a risk of a large amount of personal privacy information being stolen and used, which poses serious security risks to individuals and society.
In this study, a sensitive information encryption system was built using Python technology, and the chaos algorithm was used for information encryption, achieving the encryption process using the factor sequence method. After many years of development, chaos theory has a wide range of applications in Internet information encryption.
Through this study, the superiority and effectiveness of the chaos algorithm in information encryption is demonstrated, providing important technical support for Internet information security. Keywords: sensitive information; chaos algorithm; Python.
2023-06-21 上传
2024-11-06 上传
2024-11-06 上传
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