
0 下载量 135 浏览量 更新于2024-02-25 收藏 1.1MB DOC 举报
As free space optical communication continues to advance, the demand for higher performance indicators in optical communication has increased. Aviation reconnaissance platforms are playing an increasingly prominent role in this field. These platforms significantly reduce the impact of atmospheric conditions on the performance indicators of space optical communication, making them a crucial hub for free space optical communication links. This document focuses on the electrical control design of a multi-frame optical platform used in coarse tracking processes. It analyzes and designs the servo stability loop, open-loop pointing loop, and dynamic tracking loop in the coarse tracking process. The selection of hardware components, control compensation, system simulation, and virtual experiments are also discussed. The experimental research on the theories and methods proposed in this document has produced results consistent with simulation and theoretical analysis, validating the correctness of the theoretical analysis. Keywords: coarse tracking, two-axis four-frame servo control, compensation, precision.