
需积分: 10 5 下载量 98 浏览量 更新于2024-01-19 收藏 1.54MB PPT 举报
The Sentence Structure Adjustment Method is a computer English learning technique that focuses on restructuring complex sentences to better convey their meaning. It addresses situations where a central word in the original sentence is modified by multiple components, creating a complex structure that is difficult to translate directly. Examples of such complexity include instances where a sentence contains both coordinate and subordinate clauses, or when a central word is modified by both a coordinate and subordinate phrase. In these cases, the method suggests breaking down the complex sentence into several shorter phrases that can be more easily translated into Chinese according to its natural syntax. This approach allows for a more accurate and fluent expression of the original content. An example is provided, demonstrating the transformation of a complex English sentence into simpler Chinese sentences to reflect the appropriate structure. The Sentence Structure Adjustment Method is a valuable tool for students of computer English, offering a practical approach to overcoming linguistic challenges and effectively communicating complex technical concepts in a foreign language. This method is particularly useful for non-native English speakers seeking to improve their ability to understand and convey technical information in the field of computer science.