Capon: A Probabilistic Model for Run-Length Coding of Pictures
Let the values of Xi (see Fig. 2) for the register pro-
ducing A,, A,, . . . A, be S,, S,, . . . S,-,. Then we must
bc = a,-l
by = C S&i
i = 2,3, --- Ic - 1
Ci = bi-,
i = 2, 3, ..a k - 1
&“I = C Sib,.
Furthermore, n-e have from (16) and (17)
d, = ai + bi
ei = bi + ci.
h + ~1
= z Si(ai + bJ
Furthermore, for i = 2, 3, . . . k - 1
ei = bi + ci
= ai-l + biml
= d,-l.
Now, since the arguments given will apply to any two
successive Bi, (25) and (26) show that, the sequence of the
B, may be obtained from the same shift register as the
Ai. Finally, since this is a maximal-length shift register,
the sequence of the Bi must just be a shifted version of
the sequence of the Ai, and (18) must hold.
The author is indebted to Dr. B. Elspas for several
illuminating discussions on maximal-length feedback
shift registers and their generalizations.
R. W. Hamming, “Error correcting
and error detecting codes,”
Bell Sys. Tech. J., vol. 29, pp. 147-160.; April, 1950.
D. Slepian, “A class of binary signaling alphabets,” Bell Sys.
Tech. J., vol. 35, pp. 203-234; January, 1956.
I. S. Reed, “A class of multiple-error-correcting codes and the
decoding scheme,”
vol. IT-4, pp. 38-49; September, 1954.
J. H. Green, Jr. and R. L. San Soucie, “An error correcting
encoder and decoder of high efficiency,” PROC. IRE, vol. 46,
gp. g”,iKl,‘,‘4?‘; October, 1958.
Several Bmary-Sequence Generators,” Lincoln
Lab., M.I.$., Lexington, Mass., Tech. Rept. No. 95; September
12, 1955.
S. W. Golomb,
“Sequences With Randomness Properties,”
Glenn L. Martin Co., Baltimore, Md., Final Rept. on Contract
No. W 36-039SC-54-36611; June 14, 1955.
B. Elspas, “Theory of autonomous linear sequential networks,”
IRE TRANS. ON CIRCUIT THEORY, vol. CT-6, pp. 45-60; March,
W. Marsh, “Table of Irreducible Polynomials Over GF(2)
Through Degree 19,” National Security Agency, Washington,
D. C., October 24, 1957.
A Probabilistic Model for Run-Length Coding of Pictures*
Summary-A first-order Markoff process representation for
pictures is proposed in order to study the picture coding system
known as run-length coding (differential-coordinate encoding). A
lower bound for the saving in channel capacity is calculated on
the basis of this model, and is compared with the results obtained
by previous investigators. In addition, this representation is shown
to yield an insight into the run-length coding system which might
not otherwise be obtained. The application of this probabilistic
model to an “elastic” system of run-length coding is also discussed.
* Manuscript received by the PGIT, December 22, 1958. This
work was done when the author was employed by the Ford Instru-
Company, Long Island City, N. Y., during the summer of
t Federal Scientific Corporation,. New York, N. Y. Formerly
with the Dept. Elec. Engrg., Columbia University, New York, N. Y.
T has been recognized that a saving in either time
or bandwidth is possible by exploiting the large-
scale redundancies in pictures. One of the first
proposals advanced for taking advantage of these re-
dundancies is the variable sweep system of Cherry and
G0uriet.l The authors found that theoretically a saving
of approximately seven in either time or bandwidth is
possible with their system.
1 E. C. Cherry and G. G. Gouriet, “Some possibilities for the
compression of television by recoding,”
Proc. IEE, vol. 100, pt. III,
pp. 9-18; January, 1953.