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"Java线程与并发工具" Java线程和并发工具是其最强大但也是最具挑战性的API和语言特性。对于初学者来说,利用这些特性编写正确的多线程应用通常非常困难。《Java Threads and the Concurrency Utilities》旨在帮助所有Java开发者掌握并有效地使用这些能力。 本书分为两大部分,每部分包含四章。第一部分专注于线程API,涵盖了线程基础、Runnable接口,同步与volatile关键字,等待和通知机制,以及线程组、线程局部变量和计时器框架的额外功能。线程组允许管理一组线程,而线程局部变量则提供了在不干扰其他线程的情况下存储线程专用数据的能力。计时器框架则用于计划任务执行。 第二部分聚焦于并发工具,讲解了并发工具的基础,如Executor服务,它提供了一种更灵活的方式来管理和控制线程的执行。此外,还包括了同步器(例如Semaphore和CyclicBarrier),它们用于协调线程间的操作,以及锁框架,如ReentrantLock和ReadWriteLock,它们提供了比内置synchronized关键字更精细的控制。这部分还深入介绍了并发集合(如ConcurrentHashMap和CopyOnWriteArrayList)的高级特性,这些集合在多线程环境中提供了高效且线程安全的操作。原子变量(AtomicInteger、AtomicLong等)允许在不使用锁的情况下进行线程安全的更新,而Fork/Join框架则通过工作窃取算法优化了大型计算任务的并行处理。 学习这本书,Java开发者可以更好地理解和利用Java平台提供的并发特性,从而编写出高效、健壮的多线程应用程序。无论是对并发编程有初步了解的开发者,还是寻求提升现有技能的专业人士,都能从书中受益匪浅。通过深入理解并发原理和实践,开发者能够更好地应对现代多核处理器环境中的性能挑战,构建出能够充分利用硬件资源的高性能软件。
2015-12-04 上传
This concise book empowers all Java developers to master the complexity of the Java thread APIs and concurrency utilities. This knowledge aids the Java developer in writing correct and complex performing multithreaded applications. Java's thread APIs and concurrency utilities are among its most powerful and challenging APIs and language features. Java beginners typically find it very difficult to use these features to write correct multithreaded applications. Threads and the Concurrency Utilities helps all Java developers master and use these capabilities effectively. This book is divided into two parts of four chapters each. Part 1 focuses on the Thread APIs and Part 2 focuses on the concurrency utilities. In Part 1, you learn about Thread API basics and runnables, synchronization and volatility, waiting and notification, and the additional capabilities of thread groups, thread local variables, and the Timer Framework. In Part 2, you learn about concurrency utilities basics and executors, synchronizers, the Locking Framework, and the additional capabilities of concurrent collections, atomic variables, and the Fork/Join Framework. Each chapter ends with select exercises designed to challenge your grasp of the chapter's content. An appendix provides the answers to these exercises. A second appendix explores how threads are used by various standard class library APIs. Specifically, you learn about threads in the contexts of Swing, JavaFX, and Java 8's Streams API. What you’ll learn How to do thread runnables, synchronization, volatility, waiting and notification, thread groups, thread local variables, and the Timer Framework How to create multithreaded applications that work correctly. What are concurrency utilities basics and executors What are synchronizers, the Locking Framework, concurrent collections, atomic variables, and the Fork/Join Framework and how to use them How to leverage the concurrency utilities to write more complex multithreaded applications and achieve greater performance How to apply thread usage in Swing, JavaFX, and Java 8 Streams API contexts Who this book is for The primary audience is Java beginners and the secondary audience is more advanced Java developers who have worked with the Thread APIs and the Concurrency Utilities. Table of Contents Part I: Thread APIs Chapter 1: Threads and Runnables Chapter 2: Synchronization Chapter 3: Waiting and Notification Chapter 4: Additional Thread Capabilities Part II: Concurrency Utilities Chapter 5: Concurrency Utilities and Executors Chapter 6: Synchronizers Chapter 7: The Locking Framework Chapter 8: Additional Concurrency Utilities Part III: Appendices Appendix A: Answers to Exercises Appendix B: Threading in Swing

The Sleeping Teaching Assistant A university computer science department has a teaching assistant (TA) who helps undergraduate students with their programming assignments during regular office hours. The TA’s office is rather small and has room for only one desk with a chair and computer. There are three chairs in the hallway outside the office where students can sit and wait if the TA is currently helping another student. When there are no students who need help during office hours, the TA sits at the desk and takes a nap. If a student arrives during office hours and finds the TA sleeping, the student must awaken the TA to ask for help. If a student arrives and finds the TA currently helping another student, the student sits on one of the chairs in the hallway and waits. If no chairs are available, the student will come back at a later time. Using POSIX threads, mutex locks, and/or semaphores, implement a solution that coordinates the activities of the TA and the students. Details for this assignment are provided below. Using Pthreads, begin by creating N students. Each will run as a separate thread. The TA will run as a separate thread as well. Student threads will alternate between programming for a period of time and seeking help from the TA. If the TA is available, they will obtain help. Otherwise, they will either sit in a chair in the hallway or, if no chairs are available, will resume programming and will seek help at a later time. If a student arrives and notices that the TA is sleeping, the student must notify the TA using a semaphore. When the TA finishes helping a student, the TA must check to see if there are students waiting for help in the hallway. If so, the TA must help each of these students in turn. If no students are present, the TA may return to napping. Perhaps the best option for simulating students programming—as well as the TA providing help to a student—is to have the appropriate threads sleep for a random period of time using the sleep() API:

2023-06-04 上传
2023-07-14 上传