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MSP430G2231是一款由TI公司提供的混合信号微控制器,它在低功耗、高性能和多功能性方面表现出色。该芯片的主要特点包括: 1. **电源范围**:MSP430G2231支持极宽的电压范围,从1.8伏到3.6伏,适应各种应用环境。 2. **16位定时器A**:集成有两组捕获/比较寄存器,提供了高精度的时间和计数功能,这对于需要精确时间控制的应用来说非常有用。 3. **超低功耗设计**:在活跃模式下,如在1MHz时钟下,SPI接口消耗仅为220微安,而在待机模式下,功耗降到了只有0.5微安,甚至在Off模式下,如果保持RAM,仅需0.1微安,非常适合电池供电设备。 4. **多模式电源管理**:提供五个不同的电源节省模式,包括自动扫描、样保持、超快速唤醒等,能够在不同场景下显著降低能耗。 5. **高级通信接口**:内置通用串行接口(USI),支持SPI和I2C通信,且在活跃模式下的功耗表现良好。 6. **布朗out检测器**:确保系统在电压波动时仍能正常工作,保护敏感电路免受电压下降的影响。 7. **10位A/D转换器**:具有200ksps采样率,内部带有参考源、样保持功能和自动扫描,有助于高效的数据采集。 8. **高级架构与安全特性**:基于16位RISC架构,指令周期可编程,提供代码保护功能,通过安全熔丝实现固件保护。 9. **基本时钟配置**:支持内部频率高达16MHz,配合内置的校准频率接口,以及低功耗低频振荡器。 10. **封装形式**:MSP430G2231提供14引脚塑料小型外形薄片封装,便于集成和散热。 11. **软件支持**:支持串行在线编程,无需额外的编程电压,方便开发者进行调试和固件更新。 12. **家族成员详情**:图表(Table 1)中列出了MSP430G2x21和MSP430G2x31系列的其他成员及其特性对比,用户可以根据具体需求选择最适合的产品。 MSP430G2231芯片是一款适用于能源效率要求高的应用的高性能微控制器,无论是工业自动化、物联网(IoT)设备还是消费电子,都能找到其独特的价值。
2015-04-23 上传
MSP432 低功耗高性能并存10.1 Digital I/O Introduction The digital I/O features include: • Independently programmable individual I/Os • Any combination of input or output • Individually configurable interrupts for ports (available for certain ports only) • Independent input and output data registers • Individually configurable pullup or pulldown resistors • Wake-up capability from ultra-low power modes (available for certain ports only) • Individually configurable high drive I/Os (available for certain I/Os only) Devices within the family may have up to eleven digital I/O ports implemented (P1 to P10 and PJ). Most ports contain eight I/O lines; however, some ports may contain less (see the device-specific data sheet for ports available). Each I/O line is individually configurable for input or output direction, and each can be individually read or written. Each I/O line is individually configurable for pullup or pulldown resistors. Certain ports have interrupt and wake-up capability from ultra-low power modes (see device specific data sheet for ports with interrupt and wake-up capability). Each interrupt can be individually enabled and configured to provide an interrupt on a rising or falling edge of an input signal. All interrupts are fed into an encoded Interrupt Vector register, allowing the application to determine which sub-pin of a port has generated the event. Individual ports can be accessed as byte-wide ports or can be combined into half-word-wide ports. Port pairs P1 and P2, P3 and P4, P5 and P6, P7 and P8, and so on, are associated with the names PA, PB, PC, PD, and so on, respectively. All port registers are handled in this manner with this naming convention. The main exception are the interrupt vector registers, for example, interrupts for ports P1 and P2 must be handled through P1IV and P2IV, PAIV does not exist. When writing to port PA with half-word operations, all 16 bits are written to the port. When writing to the lower byte of port PA using byte operations, the upper byte remains unchanged. Similarly, writing to the upper byte of port PA using byte instructions leaves the lower byte unchanged. When writing to a port that contains less than the maximum number of bits possible, the unused bits are don't care. Ports PB, PC, PD, PE, and PF behave similarly.